Bonus part from the last dare chapter!

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Halley: Oh well.. Now how AM I GONNA GET A GUEST?!!
Avril: Why don't we contact a random number?
John: nice idea
Halley: well Ok.. Hmm... *gets a paper from the bowl of papers*
J.C: wonder who that is...
Halley: lemme contact it..
Erich: here's your phone! *gives the phone to me*
Halley: thanks Erich! Now lemme dial it *dials it*

( reminder: if I put * those it means to cover the closest clues on who the guest will be! So guess who it is!)

???: tch, who is this?
Halley: Oh hi there! This is author Halley!
???: a author? Tch
Halley: I contacted you to let you know that you have been chosen to come and be a guest Here in our studio!
???: and when?
Halley: I go contact you if you had to go here!
???(background): ******** ****! ********* ***** wants you to go to his office immediately!
???: tch, I will be right there tell him brat-- fine I go there  Goodbye *hungs up*

Quint: who is he?
Halley: *giggles* looks like I know who...
J.C: hmmmm...
Halley: and that's all for the chapter everyone! Stay tuned for more! Comment down who do you think it is! Goodbye! See you all next time!

Clues: 4 letters (name), tch, office

Scramble the word evil and the name is there!


Love you all! 😊
(Snowblitz out!)

Mobile legends randomness! |Continued|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora