Gusion X Lesley |late valentines' day special |

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Its been a long time, is it? But atleast now, I kept my promise to update.

This chapter will be a very very late valentines' special chapter, also, a apology chapter for not updating for so long.

I'm really sorry for making you guys wait for so long!

Please do enjoy the chap! :)


A sigh escaped her lips as she gazed above the skies, in deep thoughts.

She had been wondering, since yesterday to will she ever have a date for today, which is valentines' day.

Like, almost all her friends, even her little brother have a date for today, while her? She's all alone.

As she continued to think while gazing up at the skies, footsteps could then be heard, coming towards her direction.

She did not even noticed the footsteps drawing nearer and nearer, instead, she just closed her eyes, and continued thinking.

The footsteps then turned into a stop, which is in front of her.

"hey les, nice seeing you here"

The figure greeted. The eyepatched girl opened her eyes to see, gusion, her long time crush.

Her cheeks heated up, upon seeing him.

The smile formed in his lips makes her heart skip a beat.

"oh um hey"

She greeted back and gently patted the spot next to her, offering him to sit down.

The boy, gusion, happily sat down beside her.

"so, why are you all alone here? Don't you have a date?"

Gusion asked. Lesley shooked her head sadly.

"I don't have a date"

She answered, then looked forward onto the distance, and speaks once again.

"how about you? What are you doing here?"

She asked, patiently was waiting for his answer.

"hm, me? Well, I also don't have a date. Its kind of boring being all alone back at home"

He replied and takes a small glance at her.

She muttered out a "oh" and continued to stare off the distance.

An awkward atmosphere surrounded the two, only to be broken by gusion.

"hey, since the both of us don't have dates, why don't we go and hang out together? Consider it a date"

The word "date" kept on echoing through lesley's mind, making her blush once again, deep scarlet red.


She spoke and turned to look at gusion who had a grin over his face, seem to be really happy about her reply.

"ok then, lets meet up at the park at 7:00. See you later then les!"

And with that, he standed up and left quickly, still was grinning.

Lesley then standed up, still was blushing, and could not have his words out of her head.


6:35 pm

"what to wear, what to wear..."

Lesley kept on thinking of her wardrobe as she walked back and forth in the room. She then gazed on the clock.

6:39 pm

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