Misunderstood Love

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Hello everybody! Today, I'LL BE THE HOST FOR TODAY! ALRIGHT!
You may be asking, who the hell am I? Well guess what, I'm Haya-kun and I will be doing the requests for now!

Haya-kun: SO FOR TODAY'S LUCKY REQUEST IS...*grabs Harley's hat*

Harley: HEY!

Haya-kun: *places my hand inside Harley's hat* *pulls out a roller paper and opens it* FROM Little_love_bird!

Harley: oh cool, what did she request?

Haya-kun: back off kiddo, you are the request ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Just kidding.

Harley: ....


Snowblitz: what the-

Haya-kun: LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!!! (Sorry kitty if I end up ruining this chapter XD)

Gusion's POV
I stood behind the tree as I watched her picked a flower from the garden. The beautiful color of her hair and the flower that she placed is astonishing. Something about her really gives me a feeling inside.

All the other girls seem to get attracted to me. But not for the girl that I am attracted too. I always feel confident about myself but every time I try to get close to her, my legs would shake and my feet would walk away on its own. Whenever she catches me looking at her, my eyes suddenly looks away as my heart starts to beat faster. I rarely catch her smile, but when she does, my heart skips a beat as I fall for her even more.

One time, I bumped her by accident and I apologized nervously. She didn't say anything, I bet she was mad at me so I just left immediately before she beats the crap out of me. Dammit, I always mess things up.

She has a younger brother though, I talk to him almost all the time about her. He would always tell me to just walk up to her and talk. But I would always deny as usual. I just wish... I gain the confidence to have a conversation with her.

Lesley's POV
I would always catch him looking at me. And whenever I do, he would look away and continue playing with his knife. Does he hate me? Does he dislike how I look? Am I different than the rest?

All the other girls seem to get attracted to him and would always talk about him whenever he's not around. I also feel the same... but I'm not some popular, good-looking girl. Other girls would look at me and I would try my best to smile and ignore them. But whenever I'm around him, I would always hide my smile and look down out of embarrassment.

One time I accidentally bumped to him and he softly apologized. I was speechless and I seem to regret not saying anything because he suddenly left after apologizing. I guess I mess things up with him.

My little brother Harley would always talk to me about him. Though at some points, I don't believe my brother especially when he says that he likes me because I know for sure that it's impossible.

3rd Person view

As Lesley walked to the garden to pick some flowers, she found a note that was meant for her. She opened it as she saw that it was from Gusion. 'G-Gusion?!?' She started to blush as that name came into her head. She looked around to see if anyone else was around, 'no one's watching...' she thought as she opened the note and read it.

Dear Lesley,
I want to tell you something really important... meet me later across the place near the cherry blossom tree. This is something I've been longing to tell you.

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