{1: We'll Be Here For Each Other}

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natasha's pov. russia.

I hear another scream reverberating through the hallway. Screams are normal here, but this one is different. Closing my eyes, I try to focus on the target in front of me.

"Gun up, Aliyanova."

I take a deep breath and calm my 13 year old frame. 

"Shoot! What are you waiting for?" My instructor barks.

Gulping, I aim, and pull the trigger. The shot sounds throughout the room.

I lift my head and see the bullethole, clean through the center of the target. My instructor chuckles softly to himself.

"Good, good." He rubs his hands together hungerily. "One of these days, that will be a U.S. spy you'll be hitting. Take a break, Aliyanova."

I breathe slowly in relief and place the pistol back on the rack. Pushing the door open, I stumble into the hallway.

Exhausted, but alert. That's what my life always was. Who screamed before? I grab a canteen of water from my backpack outside the room and sling the bag over my shoulder. Then I trip back up to my room.

I don't make it all the way up to my floor before I hear another scream, which sounded the same as the first one I had heard. Just as I pass the fifth floor of the training complex, I hear loud sobs.

"What did you do to him?"

Sneaking back down the stairwell to crouch by the door, I hear the voice of a child, wrought with tears and anger.

"Who?" The general's patronizing voice replies smoothly.

"My father!" The child bursts out.

I hear laughter from the general, and chills scatter down my spine.

"You stupid little beast!" He bursts out suddenly, breaking out of his sadistic laughter. "Your papa did not want to comply with orders, so we killed him."

"No!" The little girl screams again, and I shudder.

I hear a scuffle behind the door, and then the general yells, "Do you want us to kill you too? Because I would be glad to. Cease your blubbering!"

A whimper travels through the door, and I can hear the girl struggling to keep her tears at bay.

"We shall decide what to do with you shortly." There is a pause, and then the general bellows, "Begone!"

Straightening up quickly, I creep up the stairs as fast and noiselessly as I can. I was halfway up the flight when the door of the floor I was just on flies open.

A little girl, with dark brown hair and a ripped black jacket runs out. Her head is buried into her hands, and sobs shake her little body.

"Are you ok?" I whisper as she comes up the stairs next to me.

Slowly, she lifts her head out of her hands and stares at me.

"Ali-aliyanov-a-a?" She stammers nervously.

I smile, knowing my reputation in this school for being the favorite because of my age and being more advanced. The younger ones tend to be scared of me because of it.

"That's me."

"You're-you're- oh, nevermind." She buries her hands into her face again.

"What happened?" I rub her shoulder carefully.

"My daddy." She sniffles.

There's a pause, and then the realization hits me. "You're Nika, aren't you?"

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