{8: On My Count}

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madison's pov. assassin training center, russia.

I fiddled nervously with the earpiece Steve had given me. I usually wasn't one to be nervous, but I was tonight.

"Nervous?" Aliyanovah asked softly, sitting down next to me.

"Of course. My future is hanging on this."

She smiled. "Don't be so dramatic. You'll be fine. This should be a super simple job, compared to the other things you've done."

"Ready?" Steve asked, interrupting us.

Ali smirked. "You bet your a-"

Before she could finish, I clapped my hand over her mouth. "Nuh-uh." I shook my head teasingly, and a giggle escaped my mouth when I saw her expression.

"Let's go." Tony nodded to us, and we all followed behind him as the plane dipped lower to the ground. Clint, who was flying, parked us down in a small clearing. I recognized this place, and it made me nervous.

"How do you feel to be back here, Ali?" I whispered, and she shrugged.

"I can't believe I'm finally fixing this big mess up. It's about time."

We crept out of the plane quietly, and snuck the quarter mile back to the school. Almost everyone on the "team" had come, except for the weird red robot like one, they called Vision, and Thor, the gOd. The other kid my age, Peter, I think was his name, walked beside me as we crept up to the rear of the building.

"It just looks like a normal boarding school," he remarked, and I nodded.

"Nope. It's far from normal."

"Hey, kid," Tony spoke of the earpiece, "I want you in the trees watching for anyone. Clint's up there too, and Wanda's on the ground. Steve, Nat, and your little...sister there, are going in to find the headmasters here, and Sam and I are headed in after to gas the place."

Steve came up behind me. "Where do you think your supervisors are most likely to be right now?"

"Probably training someone in the lower basement. Or in the office on the top floor." I squinted at the windows, trying to determine how high up the top window is. "I'll be able to tell once I'm inside."

"Woah, do you have, like, that thing where you can sense heat signatures and tell where people are?" Peter interrupted, now perched in a tree above us.

"Yes." I replied shortly, not looking at him.

"Okay," Steve said, strapping his shield onto his back. "Madison, you come with me. We're going down to the office. Nat, you go for the office on the top floor."

"Why am I going with you?"

He didn't answer, but started back into the trees.

"Where are you going?" I asked, chasing after him.

"You'd think you'd be smarter with that assassin training of yours. And that you'd ask less questions, miss." Tony said over the intercom.

Steve ignored him and my very ticked expression and went on walking. "There's a back entrance to the basement out here, isn't there?"

"O-oh." I was acting like a fool tonight. I guess I just wasn't really used to working with other people. "Yeah, there is."

He found the entrance to the tunnel quickly.

"There's no one in there." I informed him, and, ejecting my claws, slid one into the lock before he could do anything and opened the door.

"Good work." He followed me inside, and shut the door quietly behind us.

Inside the tunnel, my enhanced eyesight quickly adjusted, and I crept forward.

"Isn't there any security in here, isn't there?" Steve asked in a low voice, stopping. I paused, trying to remember.

I hadn't been in this tunnel for a while. Last time I was here, I was trying to escape, and they let the other girls beat me up while I was chained up as punishment. My heart contracted at the memory. If I got caught this time, there was no telling what they'd do to me. My breath quickened as I remembered the looks on the girls' faces as they launched their fists again and again into my stomach, my legs, my face...

"Madison." Steve said, right behind me, and I jumped. "Did you hear me?"

"Wh-at, oh..." I cleared my throat. "I don't remember. Maybe."

He was silent for a moment. "If there is, we'd better hope the lights don't come off. Tony, we're going to need backup if the whole school wakes up."

"Well, don't wake them up." Tony answered, and I rolled my eyes.

"There isn't." I whispered, suddenly remembering. "Just past this corner, there's a door and a camera. The light switch is on that side. And near the door, but we didn't turn it on. There might be a sensor on the door."


"I should have been more careful," I added apologetically.

"It's okay. Let's keep going."

"I'm going to go around from the ceiling and get the camera." I told Steve, ejecting my claws and carefully scaling the wall.

Creeping along as quickly as I could, I turned the corner and located the camera. Because it was pitch dark, the camera probably wouldn't notice when it turned off, and I made quick work of slicing off the body. Steve entered the hall as I landed back on the ground. Sticking his hand into the screen of the keypad, he pulled out some wires, and some sparks popped out. I watched with wide eyes.

"Is there anyone on the other side?" He whispered to me, dusting off his hands.

"Uh, yeah. Not directly on the other side, though. On the other end of the other room."

"Ok," Steve said shortly, and began to pry open the door with his bare hands, his muscles straining against his tight "pajama suit", as I called it. The door groaned a little bit, but gave way eventually, and we quickly slipped through and moved out of sight of the door.

"Again." I heard a familiar voice bark, and the sound of wooden poles clashing against one another was heard in the other room.

"How many?" Steve whispered to me.

"Three. Two students and the guy you want."

He nodded. "On my count."

What are we doing? I wanted to ask, but I figured he probably just meant to go out and knock everyone out.



Steve made eye contact with me on the other side of the doorframe and nodded. "One."

Immediately, we jumped into the large room. A metal streak whizzed past me, and hit the two students, knocking them down, and I was next to them in a second, securing their wrists and ankles with the handcuffs. Another loud bang, and the security camera in the corner clattered to the floor.

The trainer, General Kornikiv's right hand man, backed away towards the door, his hand pulling out his pistol. Steve' shield whistled through the air again, and he was on the floor, unconscious.

He looked at me and grinned. "That was easy, huh?"

I returned the smile, breathing easier. "Now what?"










a/n: lol this chapter did not turn out shorter oPPS.

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