Mystery Lover

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I was leaning on the wall while scanning the room for tonight was a celebration for the whole company. I don't see the need to mingle with others. Not now at least. I guess I still haven't move on from my break up with my ex last three months ago. I stared at my glass for no reason at all because I was really bored.

"Are you enjoying the party, Aimee?" A voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts. I turned to see who that voice belonged too and it was no other than my boss, Mr. Jackson.

"Mr. Jackson. Your the first person I have talked too since I came here" I said to him. He was my boss and I was his secretary. I have been working for him for 5 years and in those years, we developed a good friendship inside and outside of the office.

"Why are you hiding there, Aimee. We are here to celebrate for getting the Japanese company to sign with us. We should celebrate" He tried to convince me. It was true though, he threw this party to celebrate the company's success. There were times when he was in a bad mood and the whole building knows that I'm the only person who can talk to him whenever he is in a bad mood.

"No thanks, Mr. Jackson. I rather stay here until midnight. Plus, you should be the one who needs to go around and mingle with you James Bond costume" I said while smiling at him.

"James Bond?" he said confusingly. Then he started to laugh. Why was he laughing? He is wearing a tux so I figured he was wearing James Bond. "You have a good imagination, Aimee. Well I have to entertain other guest. See you at work" He said as he left and wave is hand towards me. It was already 10 pm and I really want to go home. Maybe, I should. I not really enjoying myself. I was about to leave when a hand suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"Why is Aphrodite leaving so early?" I looked at the husky voice who spoke. It was Zorro, not literally, holding my wrist.

"Well Zorro, I'm actually Athena" I answered in a laughing voice.

"Smart and beautiful. Suits you very well" He winked at me which made me laugh a little. The song suddenly changed into a slow dance. "Care to join me on the dance floor, Mi Diosa?"

I was a little hesitant at first but I took his hand and led me to the dance floor. "Isn't it weird if a goddess is dancing with a thief?" I asked in a laughing voice. He just chuckled at my question and started to dance. "If snow white can be with a pirate, why not?" He said as he looked at the couple dancing near us. I laughed at his remark. We continued to dance for half an hour when he suddenly pulled me out the room. He led me to the garden which thankfully wasn't occupied.

"So, aren't you going to tell me who you are?" I asked him.

"Isn't it obvious" he said pointing himself. "I'm Zorro" I eyed him saying that if he was serious. He smiled at me then spoke again. "Well, I can give you a hint. R"

"R?" Maybe the first letter of his name.

"R u enjoying yourself?"

"I am now" I told him. For the next hour, we did nothing but talk to each other. It felt like we have known each other for a long time. I was comfortable with him. The best thing he said to me was this. "Did you know that in a party, a stranger will learn more about you in an hour than your spouse has learn in a lifetime?"

"Well, if that saying is true, maybe I should marry the stranger instead" I said jokingly. I laughed hard but he smiled again. He kept staring at me and that made me blushed. I looked away at but he touched my chin then guided me too look at him. I stared at his black eyes as he stared into mine. I felt our lips touch and it was the most passionate kiss I have ever had. We were clinging to each other for support. I felt our tongues dancing. I suddenly heard a bell, it was midnight.

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