The Journal

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Today, I am visiting my grandparents in their hometown. After being led to my seat, when I sat down I felt something hard between the seats. There, I saw an old leather journal. It was a diary of girl name Ella
Ella's diary started about her talking about a guy she hates since childhood named Nate. They stopped talking when she had a boyfriend. It skipped to 5 years later.


Dear Diary,

I can't that guy was cheating on me. Ever since we got together, we has already been cheating on me. He was only using me because my family was rich. Unbelievable! I can't believe I was fooled for years. For some reason, I'm not that sad at all. But I am sad. Maybe I'll go to Nate's house and ask for advice.


Dear Diary,

I went to Nate's house and he comforted me. But something unexpected happened. We made love. We weren't drunk or anything but when we stared into each other's eyes. We didn't want to break the connection we felt.

When I woke up, he said in panicked expression that this was all just a big mistake. As soon as he said that, I ran away from him. Now, I realized something. I have feelings for Nate.


Dear Diary,

I'm pregnant.

I have been having morning sickness since last week and a test confirmed it. How can I face my parents? I don't think I can face. Maybe I should tell Nate first.


I did the most stupidest solution ever. I ran away. I got to the train station, thankfully no one recognized me. Why did I run away? Simple, because I learned that Nate's getting married. I overheard him talking to my parents and inviting them to his wedding next month. Didn't he even reconsider that I might be pregnant with his child? I guess not.

Right now, I'm at the train station going to the city. I'll start a new life with this child. His child. Right now, I can't think of my regrets.

That was the end of the diary. Now I want to know what happened to this woman. Since she came from the same hometown as my grandparents, my I would ask them. Hours later I arrived at my grandparents house. I saw my Grandma Gina and Grandfather Nathan. After hugging them, I asked "Grandma, do you know anyone named Ella and Nate in your town?"

I explained about what I discovered and showed her the journal. She suddenly started crying then said "This was mine."
She paused. "I left this on the train after running away" I asked her what happened next?

"My name was Gynella and he was named Nathaniel. After I left, your grandfather searched for me. After 3 years, he found me. He told me that he was asking permission from my parents to take my hand in marriage. Now I understood and forgave him"

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