I found love in a Music Fest

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Make up?





Mega Check!

Now I'm ready for the festival! I just have to pick up the girls. I grabbed my bag and rushed down to my car. I texted my friends and told them I'm on the way on our meeting place. After a half hour of driving, I met up with the girls and they climbed into my car.

"This night is going to the most unforgettable!" Lia shouted as she hopped in the car.

"Hell yeah! Nothing but four hot boy bands....." Chloe said but Jessica cut her off.

"And hot men at one place"

"Guys, aren't you forgetting something?" I asked them as I was driving and listening to their conversation. After hearing me talk, they all looked at me and said at the same time 'Oh Yea'

"Kira doesn't listen to boy bands" Lia pointed out. That's right, I don't listen to any boy bands.

"Guys, don't worry about me! The festival doesn't contain not only boy bands. It contains mixed bands and solo performers. I'm sure I can find something to my taste" I explained to them. I don't want them to miss their favorite bands because of me.

"How about I'll accompany you until my favorite band plays? I don't want you wandering by yourself" Jessica said in a concerned tone. I smiled at her suggestion but I declined.

"Thanks, Jessica. But I'm really fine. If you want to make it up to me, just treat me some food" I said in a cheerful voice. We smiled at each other but I can still feel that they feel bad for leaving me out. As we arrived, we agreed to meet up in front of the car 30 minutes before midnight.

The bands don't start playing in an our so we decided to grab a bite to eat. True to their promise, they each treated me my favorite food. After eating, they went to their boy bands and I wandered alone, finding somewhere to hang. I walked around for a good 15 minutes and the people were decreasing. Still walking, I heard a faint guitar sound somewhere. It stopped, then there is it again, I followed the sound and it lead me into the woods and a voice joined the guitar sound.

".....Only you" it was a guy sitting under the tree. I couldn't make out his face because of the distance. I was about to give the man some privacy but, like in the movies, I stepped on a twig.

"Who's there?" No turning back now. I approached him slowly.

"I'm sorry. I heard the guitar sound and followed it. I was about to leave but-"

"You stepped on a twig" he said while chuckling. "What is this, a movie?" He was still laughing about the twig and I couldn't help but laugh with him. "May I join you?" I gestured the sit next to him. He patted the sit beside him so I took the offer.

"So, what brings you here in this quiet place?" He asked as I took my seat.

"Well, those boy bands aren't really my thing" I confessed to him.

"Wow, what a rare species. A girl who isn't a fan of boy bands" he said as if he made a new discovery.

"What about you?"

"Well, I'm making my own music while in a music festival"

"Wow. At least you're doing something related to the festival" I looked the other way because I can't think of anything to say.

"Well, since you're here, how about you help me" he offered. He grabbed a notebook and a pen then looked at me. "I need lyrics for my new song"

"Do you think I'll be any help?" I asked shyly. He smiled at me and said "You'll be a great help"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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