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"Mr. King is getting married?"

"Just rumor. But it might true"

"It seems he's setting down"

Why do they always gossip about the CEO and his affairs? Fortunately, I don't listen to does gossips and simply ignore them. I finished up my work while everyone left.

"I'm surprised to see someone still here" I was suddenly startled by a voice. I turned and saw Mr. Damien King, the CEO. "Working overtime again Miss James?" My table was located at the CEO's floor so it was no mystery how he knew my name.

"Yes sir, I was just about to-AH!" I was about to stand up when one of my stilettos broke.

"Are you okay, Miss James?" The CEO asked worriedly. He went near me and helped me from the floor.

"Thank you for the help, Sir" I removed my stilettos and put them under my table. I'll just come back for them tomorrow. I gathered my things in a rush, but that resulted my papers spreading all over the floor. I hurriedly picked them up and he bent down to help me. How embarrassing.

"You don't have to be shy around me, Miss James" he said in an assuring tone. His words calmed my nervous pulse. I was about to get the papers he gathered from him when he suddenly dodged it.

"Let me help you out, I just finished my work a while ago" this is more embarrassing. My boss is helping me out. This is not my night. As we walked towards the elevator, I couldn't look him in the eye. The elevator doors opened and we went inside. Now I wish we weren't located at the very top.

The trip felt longer and my feet were getting cold. The ride was silent when he suddenly broke it.

"Ow" he said. I looked over and saw that he got a paper cut. Out of habit, I grabbed his finger then sucked it. He was surprised at what I did then I suddenly realized what I was doing then suddenly backed away from him.

"I am so sorry! It was just-AHH!" The elevator suddenly stopped and the lights when out. I felt an arm around me, then I realized I was clinging to the CEO.

"Are you okay, Miss James?" He whispered to my ear. He was close to me and it's making my heart beat fast.

"Thank you Sir, I'm fine now" I said as I pushed him away. I fished out my phone from my bag and turned on the flashlight. "Are you alright, sir?" I asked him. I shone the light above so it will at least give the whole cramped space a faint light.

"I am fine Miss James but we have to call for help. It may get hot in here" we both took out our phones to call for help

"There's no signal, is there?"

"No, Sir"

"I guess we just have to wait for the power to comeback" he stood at the end while I stood at the opposite. The space between us seems so small. I took a peek at him and saw he was removing his coat.

"Sir! What are you doing?!"

"It's getting hot in here. I'm just removing my coat and accessories. I suggest you do the same" he does have a point. I slowly removed my coat. I realized that I'm wearing a sleeveless blouse. I changed my mind and kept my coat on. He noticed that I didn't took of my coat.

"Aren't you going too take off your coat?"

"I'm fine, sir" I rather get hot in my coat than let a man see me in my blouse right now. I removed some of my accessories but I realized about the huge necklace around my neck that I can't get off myself. "Um, excuse me sir. Can you please help me with my necklace?" He didn't hesitate to come near me and remove the clasp of my necklace. His fingers feel so hot against my skin. I caught my falling necklace, then turned to him. Even in this dark, I can see a clouded desire in his eyes. I turned away and slowly stepped away.

We stayed silent for a while when he broke it. "We might be in here for awhile" I nodded silently. For the half hour, we were sitting in each corner, avoiding each other's eyes. I checked my phone and realized that we haven been trap for almost an hour. Suddenly, the CEO coughed and from the sound of it, it doesn't seem normal.

"Sir, are you okay?" I asked in a worried voice. I went near him and touched his forehead. He was burning. "Sir, you have a fever!" I shrieked. I grabbed his coat and put it over him. He was still shivering so I removed my coat and wrapped it around him. He removed half of the coat and sat up straight.

"Thank you Miss James but this is nothing serious"

"Don't be ridiculous sir! You have a fever and don't deny it" he chuckled at me. I wrapped the coats around him again. I accidentally went close to him and before I knew it, his face was so near. We stared at each other which seems to last for an hour. Did he really have silver eyes that seems to sparkle like stars?

I was so mesmerized by his silver eyes that I didn't notice when he went closer to me. I felt something on my lips and just realized that he was kissing me. It went out of our heads that he was with a cold. All I can think about is how this was not an ordinary kiss. I unconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck as wrapped his around my waist.

He backed me at the wall, imprisoning me with his arms. Our lips parted and we catch our breath. Even in the darkness, I can see his lustful eyes. He briefly kissed my lips then slowly went to my neck. I gave him more access when I tilted my head to my right. But then, I remembered what I heard.

"Stop, Damien" he stopped then looked me in the eyes but I avoided it. "Aren't you getting married? We shouldn't be doing this" I whispered painfully.

"Who told you I was getting married?"

"Women gossip"

"You're right" I felt a painful stab. "I was about to propose to a childhood friend of mine who I have been in love with since she gave me a friendly kiss last Christmas"

I looked at him with surprised eyes. "Do you think she would say yes?"

"Yes, she would"

As our lips was about to touch, the elevator started moving again.

"What bad timing" he whispered. I stood up and pressed a button. The elevator stopped and the lights went out.

"Did I made a bad choice?" I said. I heard him chuckle.

"No" I secretly smiled.

"Come here"

So I did.

One Shot CollectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon