0.5 Real Life

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Corey and I were sitting in the mall cafe waiting for Mason to arrive with Theo. This one thought has been going through my mind since we planned on meeting up with Theo. The thought being "Will Theo like me or not?" Was I over reacting? Probably.

I'm snapped back to earth when I hear the familiar voice of Mason. He's not in sight but he's most likely close. I hear another person with him too. The person laughs. That was an amazing laugh.

"Hey guys!" I heard above me. I looked up and see Mason. Oh look he has a boogie.

"Ewwww" Mason said after I wiped the booger on his shirt.

"It's your booger, not mine." I said to him with a shrug.

"That you picked from my nose!" He exclaimed to which I responded with another shrug. "As I was going to say, before an idiot decided to pick my nose for me, this is Theo." Mason finished off.

"Hey," a deep voice said "I'm Theo." I looked up to see the face that goes with the voice. And let me tell you, I was not disappointed.

"I'm Corey and the one who looks like a 13 year old is Liam" Corey explained. By this point I'm used to them saying stuff like that so I didn't say anything in response. I just waved at the Greek god named Theo.

Theo sat next to me while the boyfriends sat next to each other with their arms around the other. Goals I tell you.

Corey and Mason drifted off into their own world about Star Wars leaving me and Theo to talk alone. I just don't get the big deal about Star Wars. Isn't it just about Aliens or something?

"So Liam you grew up in Beacon Hills?" Theo said in attempt to start a conversation.

"Uhh yea. You grew up here too?" I asked back. He nodded. I nodded back.

"Wanna grab some food with me?" Yes daddy.

"Sure, why not? I'm hungry." We both got up leaving the couple and walking towards a pizza place.

"Hi can I have a 2 veggie pizza slices, 2 orders of fries, 1 order of cheese fries and 2 Pepsi's please?" I said to the cashier.

"Sure. Anything else?" She asked with a wink. I heard a growl. I looked back and saw an ad playing on the tv.

"Uh no thank you." I said and took a step back but bumped into Theo's chest. I didn't let that phase me and reached into my pocket. Before I could pull out my money, a hand landed on top of mine.

"On me." Theo said as he reached in his own pocket.

"Oh no. You just came. Think of it as a welcoming gift. Probably the worst welcoming gift you've got." I said. I rambled on to distract him as I slid my $20 on the counter.

"Well think of it as a thanks for being ho-here and meeting me." He said.

"Too late." I grabbed our food and walked back to the table.

"Where's our food?" Corey asked. Theo shrugged.

"Go buy some." I said and took a bite from the pizza.

"So you get Theo food and not me? Your best friend since diapers?" Mason whined.

"Yup!" I said and popped the P.

"Hehehhe" I heard from a certain boy beside me.

"Ugh" Corey groaned. Him and Mason both got up and walked to Panda Express leaving me and Theo alone again.

"So Liam, what do you like to do in your free time?" Theo asked. I thought about it for a while but could really only come up with one thing.

"I most just play Halo or Call of Duty." I replied.

"Are you good at playing?" He asked and stabbed a cheese fry with his fork.

"I count myself as a pretty good player." I took a big bite from my pizza slice.

"You think you're better than me though?" Theo said with a smirk.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" I leaned more again the table and closer to his face. My fave having a smirk of its own.

"I don't know Liam. Is it?" He too leaned forward and came closer.

"I think it is. My house after we leave. May the best player win." I said with a wink.

"Challenge accepted."


"Okay. That's it. I give up. You win!" I threw my hands up in the air and flopped on the couch.

"Guess I am the best player after all." There he goes with the smirk again. "Hey it's getting kind of late I should get going now." Theo got up.

"You're right. It is pretty late. Which is why you should stay the night. It's not safe to drive when you're tired. Unless, you want to see Nolan and Gabe getting down and dirty?"

"Umm yea okay. Staying the night it is!" I laughed at that and got up to turn off the play station.

Theo and I walked up to my room and I handed him a shirt and sweatpants.

"Bathrooms right over there. Tell me if you need anything else." I said and grabbed a change of clothes for myself.

"Hey Liam I think this may be a tad too......small." Theo's words shrunk as he looked up and saw me changing. I blushed and quickly pulled my pants all the way up.

"You know, I'm just not going to wear a shirt." Yay, Twinsies.

"Ok you take bed." I said and started laying out a mattress on the floor.

"Oh no no!" Theo said and grabbed my hands, stopping them from doing anything else. "You take your own bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

Theo took the stuff from my hand and continued setting it up.

"No. You're the guest, I'll sleep on the floor." I tried to take the stuff back but he backed his hand away.

"Fine." Theo said. I smirked, thinking I won but then, "we'll both sleep on the floor." The smirk was whipped off my face but I started thinking.

"Okay." Theo and I both laid down and closed our eyes, bodies on opposite sides of the mattress. A few minutes past with none of us saying anything.



After that exchange, we both jumped up and went to the bed.

"Goodnight Li."

"Night Theo."

Kinda long chapter
Goal: 15 reads

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