2.5 Real Life

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"I'm here!" Liam shouted as he got to the bottom of the steps.

"Good. Now come over to me." I was sitting on the couch and held my arms out telling him to come to me.

Liam did a little skip on his way over here and jumped right on my lap.

"I missed you." I said and played with the hairs on his head. Liam giggled and grabbed my cheeks between his palms.

"I was gone for like 5 minutes silly." He said

"I know. I just," I sighed, "I can't get enough of your face. I wanna see it every second." I started staring at his face. Admiring every inch of it. His beautiful eyes, his cute nose, his full lips, the freckles on his nose, the freckle on his top lip, the way his eyes light up when he sees something he likes. Or the way his nose scrunches a little when he's mad.

"Theo....Theo!" I snapped out of my trance.


"I been talking to you for like 5 minutes! Have you not heard a word I said?" Liam crossed his arms across his chest. He's doing the nose scrunch, he mad.

"What? I was listening!" I laughed and defended myself.

"Oh yeah?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I answered back.

"Then what did I say?" He tilted his head to the side and waited for my response.

"You said 'oh Theo you're so cute and I can't wait to kiss you on the Ferris wheel this weekend!'" I made my voice high when I was impersonating Liam.

"That is absolutely not what I sound like!" Liam laughed and uncrossed his arms.

"Really? I could've sworn that's what I heard." I grabbed his wrists and pulled him closer to me. To the point where we couldn't get any closer. He laid his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around his shoulder. God, I really can't live without him. Being with him just made me so fuzzy and warm inside, I wasn't hollow anymore.

"Even if that wasn't what I said, I'll still kiss you on the Ferris Wheel." Liam lifted his head and looked me in the eye.

"Only on the Ferris Wheel?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"And now!" Liam giggled and grabbed my face again. I stared into his eyes as he came closer and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Okay okay, let me go get ready now!" I said and separated myself from Liam. I ran up the stairs and began my routine.

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