1.0 Direct Convo + Real Life + Instagram

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L.iamD opened a chat with TRaeken



I have a question


Okay so,

To my face


I'm next to you. Ask me to my face



"So?" Theo said and turned to face me.

"I was wondering where you lived as of now." I asked him. He was quiet for a few seconds before answering.

"I'm staying at a local hotel until I can find a good and affordable house for me." He said. That got me thinking.

"What if you stayed here until then? I mean instead of paying a whole bunch of money for a hotel you can stay here for free. I live alone anyway, I mean yeah we just met but think of this of a way to get to know each other better. It's okay you don't have to say yes if you don't want to, but it's just a suggestion and you can always say no if you want." During my rant Theo was just sitting there, looking at me with amusement.

"I'd love to Li!" Theo said while laughing a little.

"Great! Let's go shopping for your new room!" I said and got up with a jump.

"Woah woah woah! My new room? Li I don't need a whole new room. I can just have sleepovers with you everyday. It's a pretty sight to wake up to every morning." Oh fuck. He winked at me. What do I do?!

"Oh yea, well umm sure-I guess- we can if you uhh want to." My stuttering was endless. And on top of that I felt my face heating up by the millisecond.

"Okay so it's settled." He said and got up.

"Yup. It's settled alright." I said and rocked on my feet.

Theo started walking towards me and grabbed my waist.

"Come here." He said with his head in the crook of my neck. He pushed us down and just lasted there on the couch. Him on top of me with his face in my neck, arms around my waist, and our legs tangled together.

I soon felt my eyes drooping and looked at Theo who was already asleep on me. His soft snores muffled against me. Aww!

A little while after staring I fell into a sleep.


 ♥️ 3,647 Likes           56 Comments ✉️

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♥️ 3,647 Likes 56 Comments ✉️

@L.iamD- New roomie 😁

{Tagged @TRaeken}


<Comments Limited>

@Mieczyslaw- AWWW 😢 They grow up so fast
@McCallMeDaddy- I feel ya 😭💔

@LydiaM- So what I'm hearing is you two are living together? In one house? Alone.....?
@L.iamD- Yup! 😉
@LydiaM- Oh dear.

@BabyNol- Awe they're in the same bed!

@DeersRLife- @LydiaM Did I hear the word deer?

@ScarfMan- Did nobody notice that they're in the same bed?
@BabyNol- I did 😊 🤚🏼

Kinda long, kinda short
Goal: 15 reads

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