1.9 Real Life

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February 27, 2020 11:45pm


"Okay woah woah woah!" I stood up and got in the middle of both of them.

I put my hands on Theo's chest and tried to make him sit back down.

"Theo. Hey Theo, look at me." Theo looked at me and slowly sat back.

"Aramis I think you should leave. It was great seeing you, really, but I don't think it'll be wise if you were here right now." I said trying to get him to leave before Theo went insane.

"It wouldn't be wise to come back here at all." Theo said and tried to get back up but I pushed him back down.

Aramis nodded slowly and backed up towards the door.

"Alright well....it was nice meeting you Leo," that made Theo glare harder at him and squeeze my arm, "and it was especially nice seeing you again Li Bear." He winked and turned his back. Buttt that just made things worse.

"That's it!" Theo finally exploded. He pushed me to the side and went straight for Aramis. Aramis, who already saw it coming, tried to fight back but Theo was going hard on him.

"Hey! Stop! Theo get off of him! Guys stop!" I tried my best to separate them but they were like 2 bulls who were both wearing red shirts!

"ENOUGH!" I screamed the loudest I could. This caused both boys to stop completely. They stood there breathing heavily while staring each other down.

"What is the matter with you two?! Can you be anymore childish Aramis?!" I was mainly pointing this fight at Aramis. He basically came here to pick a fight, but that doesn't mean Theo is all innocent.

"And Theo, go relax yourself on the couch. Don't even look at Aramis." It was more of a demand than an option.

Theo looked me in the eyes for a couple seconds then eventually went back to the couch.

"Aramis, leave. Just leave. I don't know what you wanted to get out of this visit but it definitely wasn't going to be me." I pointed at the door.

"But-" he started.

"No! Go!" I cut him off and grew aggravated.

This finally made him leave and slam the door behind him. I turned around and saw Theo. His elbows were resting on his knees while his face was buried in his hands.

I made my way over to him and didn't say a word. All I did was grab his hands away from his face and made myself comfortable on his lap. He dug his face in my neck and took a deep breath.

That kind of tickled me so I moved my neck while trying not to laugh. Theo pulled back and studied my face. He tucked a loose hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead.

"You know," I started, "you're really hot when you're mad." I gave Theo my innocent eyes.

"Hot huh? I'll show you hot." Theo grabbed the bottom of my thighs and carried me upstairs.

"Theo!" I laughed. He carried on into our bedroom and threw me on the bed.

"Come on, I wanna take you somewhere. Get dressed." Theo said and got up. He picked up a shirt from the ground and tossed it to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked and changed.

"You'll see." He winked then dragged me down to the car.

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