「 one 」

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twins, the story of siblings who are seperated at birth. my grandma used to tell me that story, the story of supernatural human beings

i don't believe those stories anyways but what can i do? i love my grandma more than my life

"one day, they'll meet each other in the future and will make a choice whether to bring peace or destroy earth" my grandma finished off the usual story-telling as she combs my hair

i yawned, "grandma, why are you always talking about that?"

she sighed, "for you to always remember it. you must treasure it in your heart wherever you go"

she stood up, gets the old album from one of the dirty shelves, "here look, i may die sooner or later but you should know this. you are in the right age already"

"i thought you don't want me to see that?" i pouted as i leaned closer to her

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


5 years old

this is the first time i saw the black album, i tried to reach it since it fuels my curiosity, but someone slapped my shoulder which made me turn my back

"don't get that thing, you're not allowed to see that" it was my grandma, i pouted

12 years old

it's been 7 years when i started to took interest on that album, my grandma's not in the house, i should see what's inside

i went to the old cabinet and reached for the album, i sighed, i was about to open it when, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING LI CHUNHUA?! BRING THAT BACK!"

i received a spank from my grandma afterwards

15 years old

the wait's been too long, am i still not allowed?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"you're 17 already, you should knew about this already when you're 15 but it's better late than never"

she opened the album and i saw a lot of old pictures but the one that catches my eyes are the pictures of two babies who look identical

"who are these people?" i pointed to the baby pictures, they are good looking tho

"this is you, and this is your brother. twin brother"

twin brother? i am an only child

"you must be confusing realities with your stories, grandma"

she chuckled, "no, the story that you are an only child is false. i'm going to tell you the truth but don't be angry to grandma, okay?"

i quietly nod as i wait for her revelations, these are quite scary to be honest.


my heart aches again, don't tell me she'll make another wish

i rubbed the part where it hurts the most, "i just found out why you have that" ziyang points to my heart


he opened one of his thick books and sits across to me, "it is not because she wanted to make wishes but because she wanted to know the truth"

"the truth? she don't know anything?" yue yue joins our conversation

i shook my head, "my grandma doesn't want her to know yet, that is one of the reasons why i am not with them"

"why tho? i mean both of you are great! you could save the earth!" bu fan suggested and sits beside me

"or destroy it" ziyang closes his book

bu fan stutters, "t-that's scary"

"i really want to see my sister but i don't even know her face so it's difficult to recognize her"

yue yue crossed his arms, "it's you but girl version"

i laughed, "of course!"

"fate will bring you together, believe me" ziyang stood up and went to his room

"i believe that too, having this kind of instinct is a gift" bu fan smiled

"i'm not really smart as you guys but yeah, i must sleep" yue yue went to his room

bu fan stood up, "i must go too"

"i'll just stay here for a few more minutes" i reached for my laptop and opened it

oh, by the way. i should introduce myself, i am Li Ying Chao, you can call me Ling Chao.

i can make wishes come true, not all of each person's wishes but the wishes of my twin sister, our powers will only activate when we are 15 years old.

so far, she only wished for good health and good grades, so it wasn't that difficult. i am currently living with three more guys which are bu fan, mu ziyang, and yue yue.

all of us were unordinary, we are gathered together by our parents. unfortunately, we are the only descendats left including my grandma and my twin sister.

Bu Fan has a great instinct and he can predict the future, all his predictions and instinct are 100% accurate. if he ever told you that you'll fail the exam even though you studied really hard, believe him.

Mu Ziyang is the smartest among all of us, he can see the future in his visions, he can read the whole series of a book in just one night because of his ability to read and adapt to words quickly and also he had this thick book which he said was passed down by his ancestors from generations to generations. we don't know what's inside the book, he said that non-family members are not allowed to take a peek, and we respect that

while Yue Yue, he is a really strong person with a soft heart, i envy him sometimes because he can lift anything with ease. he has a masculine body which every guy on earth would die for to have, while i am here, very skinny

me and my twin sister are seperated at birth, i am with my parents while she is with my grandma, i knew everything about our existence when i was still in middle school

up to date, there are still enemies who want us to be vanished so that they will conquer the earth, one of my reasons why i wanted to see my sister badly and also because,

it depends on her whether to save the planet or destroy it, since she's the one who makes the wishes. i'm just making them come true.

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