「 three 」

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finally, the 4 deadly subjects are done. it is currently lunch time and for pete's sake, zhang yankai even followed me here

"don't you have any friends?" i asked while unpacking my lunch box from my bag

i saw him shrug from my peripheral vision, he is helpless. i saw huang meiqi running towards us, bringing her tray with cafeteria food

"you never told me you have a handsome friend! hi! i'm huang meiqi" she stated as she puts down her tray on our table

"i'm zhang yankai" he smiled which made meiqi's heart flutter, probably

"and you never told me that your brother has 6 handsome friends" i pointed to a group of guys across our table

she chuckled, "you already knew that"

she reached her hand near yankai, he only respond with a confused look, "should we shake hands?"

"ah! yes sure!"

they both shook hands, yankai was about to let go but meiqi's grip is tight, she look really creepy added with her mischievous smile

why did she even became my bestfriend?

i slapped meiqi's wrist making her let go, i heard yankai sighed

"you're really creepy awhile ago, just eat" i whisper-yelled to meiqi

"i'm sorry" she mouthed and started eating her food

i remembered the time i shook hands with yankai earlier this morning, that feeling, did meiqi felt it too?

"oh btw, did you feel electrified when you shook hands with him?", almost inaudible for her to hear because with the foods stuffed in my mouth

"electrified?" she shook her head, "i never thought you believe in sparks!"

"no, what i mean wasㅡ" i defended myself using hand gestures when someone interrupted me

"oh, look who we have here!" the fat girl with a thick makeup on together with her two more annoying friends came near us

they are called 3unshine; Dora, Cindy, Abby. they always annoy the hell out of me since i transffered here. i am not saying that i was being bullied all this time, it's just they are over-confident and i am always their target

"it wasn't nice to meet you again, cindy" i sarcastically said

"is he new here? your boyfriend?" dora asked as he was about to touch yankai's face but i blocked him using my whole body

"aw don't be too greedy. sooner or later, that boy will be ours" abby smirked

"really? i am not anticipating for that. it's been 2 years since you told us you'll be the student council's girlfriends!" i pointed to meiqi's younger brother and his friends, "but until now, where was that statement? still can't find a way to be close with them?"

"this bitch! you'll have your day!" dora grunted, turning her back against us and her two more besties followed

"of course, i'll have my day!" i smirked, "i wish for dora, cindy, and abby to stumble and fall heavily"

and right after i said that, they stumbled right beside the student council boys, food all over the place and on their clothes

they helped each other to stand up, the people inside the cafeteria are either laughing or staring, there are still some people who were scared of them huh

the student council? only zhengting helped. me? i secretly laughed

i noticed meiqi looking at me with wide eyes, covering her mouth with her right hand, "did you do that?"

"do what?"

"that" she pointed to 3unshine, i shrugged "i'm just sitting here"

"ey, of course you won't do that. what i was thinking? you don't have any powers" she laughed

i turned my head to see yankai beside me, he squints his eyes as if he was judging me

"what?", he shook his head and continued eating


i wish for dora, cindy, abby to stumble and fall heavily

"is she serious about this?" i mumbled to myself as i made her recent wish come true

"what happened?" yue yue asked, sitting beside me

ziyang opened his book, "she wished, and the wish is a little bit too greedy"

"no, it wasn't"

"don't defend your sister" bu fan butts in

"i am not defending her" i explained using hand gestures, "i am telling the truth!"

"and don't ever try to lie to a guy like me, moron!" ziyang stated, coming near me and beating me into a pulp

"someone's candies are going to be eaten today, thanks in advance" yueyue stood up and went straight to the kitchen, bu fan following him

"NO! WAIT!", they're trying to wait for this moment just to steal my candies!

i pushed ziyang but that action angered him more, "YOU'RE FIGHTING BACK NOW? I'M OLDER THAN YOU"

i waved my hands as i shook my head, "no, please stop bullying me"

ziyang sighed, "fine, but your candies will be mine tonight"

"you all are so rude!" i pouted

"BTW! DO YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR SISTER?" bu fan shouted from the kitchen as he munched to my candies

my face lit up, "YES! OF COURSE" i shouted back

bu fan finished chewing the candies, "i know where her school at"


"no, don't tell" ziyang stated


"you don't want to sacrifice someone, don't you?"

i tilt my head to his sudden statement, "sacrifice what? whom?"

he shook his head, "nothing"

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