Selenadone singing dating Hemmings and Chris Evans went to how many shows?

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Selena Gomez, last night after he final performance posted a goodbye to music. Gomez, was diagnosed with LUPUS two years ago, and has been struggling to overcome it as of late. We sat down with the beautiful singer and actress a few days ago.

Interviewer: So good having you back, Selena. I hope all is well and less stressful.

Selena: (laughs) Yes, ofcourse. Less stressful, for sure. Thankyou for having me back.

Interviewer: Now, first things first. How do you feel about the tours success?

Selena: Fantastic! It was such an honor to perform for my wonderful fans. Especially since every concert- had 3/4's of the money go to a LUPUS foundation.

Interviewer: Such a sweet thing to do. Now we know, that you are taking a break or retiring from music- what else do you have planned to do?

Selena: I love charity work, I've been doing it since I was a little kid. After, I go to Thailand with Harry, I will be working with UCLA, habitat for humanity and hopefully some trips to Africa if my health will allow it.

Interviewer: That's fantastic. Now, we want to know how your health is. We know you were diagnosed with LUPUS two years ago, how has that been?

Selena: It's been incredibly difficult, I have had stages where it was hard to walk let alone get out of bed, I have had episodes of Depression and times where I have had to go to the emergancy room- so it has not been a picnic, but I am doing really well right now. Now that the stressful part of my life is over for now. I can go on relaxing vacations, sleep in and do things I have not had the time to do.

Interviewer: How has life been without the constant support of a significant other or housemate?

Selena: It's been challenging. My mom actually moved from Texas to live with me. After Chris and I seperated- it was the thing to do.

Interviewer: Speaking of Chris, how are you two doing?

Selena: We are on speaking terms again, he reached out to me in a text to congratulate me on my tour and all that. But, nothing more.

Interviewer: So while you were touring, is it true you and Ashton had a thing going on? We saw pictures and snaps that were rather cute.

Selena: (smiles) I mean, who knows. We were in tour busses for about a month in the U.S but who knows really. He is a sweetie pie and a kind guy so ya. (laughs again- smiling)

Interviewer: We do have pictures to show.... (Selena laughs and shakes her heas)

Selena: Nooo (laughs)

Selena: Nooo (laughs)

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Interviewer: We just had to throw this one in (Selena Laughs)

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Interviewer: We just had to throw this one in (Selena Laughs)

Interviewer: We just had to throw this one in (Selena Laughs)

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Selena: Maybe, who knows

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Selena: Maybe, who knows. We haven't talked about that. And yes, I do see how it could look like more, but if anything were best friends. All the lads and I are.

Interviewer: I don't know if you know this, but Chris Evans I heard went to five concerts, all in major cities.

Selena: No, I did not hear that, but if it is true, thanks? I guess. (laughs)

Interviewer: That is all, thanks again for doing this.

Selena: Thankyou for having me.



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