My Ellen

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Dr. Reid and Agent Morgan climb into the car for the journey to the grandmother's house. Reid passes the time slowly by staring out the window at the rual scenery. The landscape is dotted with little farms here and there. The houses appear to be far from the road, deep in the farmland. He imagines Ellen out there somewhere with her sunburnt face and light honey blonde hair. She would have been working the fields for her grandmother.

"Is it not something out here?" Morgan asks and breaks the silence.

"Yeah, not a single fast food or chain grocery store in sight," Reid says and shift his attention away from the outside.

"I agree with you," Morgan says as he turns the car onto a long, curved path. The dust clouds build around them and mask the car from view.

"The only downside are all of these rugid dirt paths," Morgan says as the wheels jolt over a pot hole.

The dust clouds fade and the country home becomes clear. Morgan parks the car under the shade of a nearby tree. "Let's get this done," he says as he takes the key out of the ignition. Reid nods and grips the door handle. As soon as he pushes open the door, he is smothered by the humidty outside. The gnats swarm around in the atmosphere. He steps foward to walk alongside Morgan up the stair of the front porch. He holds his satchel tight by his side. Morgan is the brave one and knocks on the door. The door creaks open and the visage of an elderly woman appears.

"Are you Mary Roschter?" Morgan asks.

"I am," she says, "You must be Agent Morgan and Dr. Spencer Reid."

"Yes, we are." Morgan says.

"Come on in," she says with a small smile. She opens the door just wide enough for them to slip through. "My Ellen has told me many things about you." She shuts the door softly behind them.

From around the corner, Ellen bounds and ambushes Reid with a tight hug. She looks up at him and says, "I was hoping you would come by soon."

Reid makes an attempt to squirm his way out her grip. "Well. we have to talk to your grandmother about your parents."

Ellen instantly pulls her arms off him and clings them to her side. "Oh, I will be waiting in the kitchen," she says and shuffles away.

Morgan nudges Reid and his side. Reid returns the favor by giving a dissapproving stare.

"Let's take a seat in the kitchen." says Mary as she leads them into the wide room. "Take a seat anywhere you would like."

Reid pulls a chair out from under the table and takes his seat next to Morgan. Mary walks over with a pitcher of sweat tea and pours four glasses of homebrood tea. The ice cubes twinkle against the glass as Morgan lifts his glass to sip from.

"So, Mrs. Roschter, how long have you been here?" Reid asks. He glances up from his notes and sees Ellen's eyes keenly glued on him. He feels slightly uncomfortable.

Mary takes her seat next to Ellen and replies, "I have lived here since I was a young girl. This ole house belonged to my Pa. I inherited it and raised my sons here."

Morgan nods and says, "So, what was your son, Mason, like?"

"He was the model brother. He had always been good at everything he attempted," she says and looks directly into her glass.

"How was the marriage relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Rostcher?" Morgan asks.

"All was swell. According to his letters or emails, that is true. He took good care of Carolyn," she replies.

"Did Carolyn have any enemies? Was there someone else in the relationship?" he inquires.

"What makes you ask something like that?" she asks taken aback by the question.

"There is usually a motive behind a killers actions. It could not have been finicial problems because both look finacially secure," he states, "We eliminated it down to the final motive."

"There was no one in that relationship that had animosity towards each other," she says sharply. "Now, if you will excuse me," she says as she rises, "I would greatly appreciate it if you did not talk about such adulterous things in such a mourningful time." Her face turns a hot red in frustration.

"Sorry, Mrs. Roscther, I have to ask these questions. I really do not want to bother you," he says sincerely.

"I think we are done here," she says flatly. She crosses her arms over her chest and stares hard at Morgan and Reid.

"Thank you," Morgan says and stands up from his seat. He shakes her hand, but Reid just nods. He is not to friendly with the hand shaking procedure due to his germophobia.

"Thank you for the tea," Reid says on his way out of the door.

On the drive back to the BAU, Morgan asks Reid, "Does this make any sense to you?"

"Possibly but not really," Reid says. He shuffles through all of his notes that he had collected. In the middle of all his notes, there was a piece of paper that did not fit the design of his. He slipped it out and squinted at the yellow piece of paper.


You do not have to worry about anything, Spencer. My Grandma has nothing to do with my parents dissappearance. I can assure you. Contact me soon sometime.

Sincerely yours,

Ellen Roschter.

"What is that?" Morgan asks as sees Reid reading in the corner of his eye.

"It is nothing," Reid says softly and he eyes look at the road ahead of him. The sun becomes cascaded behind the pine trees. Another day is finished in the eyes of everyone. For Reid, it is another day of endless thoughts

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