Sleepover Games (Part 1) - Hitoshi Shinso x Reader

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Shinso is actually so great agh I love him

(Credit goes to artist)

Well, there sure as hell was no way I was getting out of this one.

I was invited to an enormous slumber party being hosted by a good friend of mine, Mina. Basically, it had almost everyone in class 1-A from U.A., a few people from class 1-B, and literally 2 people from the first year general studies class.

It was initially only 1 person from the general studies class that was to be invited - me - but after a bit of convincing, I managed to get my childhood best friend, Hitoshi Shinso, an invitation.

I didn't want to go alone, because I didn't know many of the people there and I really wasn't good with people. I didn't want to turn down the sleepover, for the fear of coming off as rude.
So I convinced Mina to let me invite a +1, Hitoshi.

Unfortunately, I only thought of actually asking Hitoshi about the sleepover AFTER I'd gotten him invited, so he was a little upset, but eventually he begrudgingly agreed to go with me.

"Only so you stop bugging me." Was his official reason for going.

When I arrived at the large house, I hadn't even rung the doorbell before the door swung open to reveal Mina who was very clearly on a sugar high - and trust me, that was never a good thing.

"Y/N! So glad you could make it! Now, come play Mario Kart with us!" She exclaimed before I had the chance to say a word, grabbing my forearm and dragging me inside the house. I dropped my bags in the porch whilst being whisked away to the basement. There was music blasting, and a sea of people whom I didn't recognize.

This was going to be terrible.

"Hey, L/N! What's up?" My friend Tetsutetsu from class 1-B called from across the room.

I shuffled over to him, trying my best to avoid the other people.

"Hey, Tetsutetsu. Have you seen Hitoshi around here at all?" I asked nervously, glancing around.

"Shinso? No, why?" He replied.

"Oh, okay. Never mind, then." I sighed, looking to the crowd of people anxiously. I hesitated, but then went to look for him amidst the people who were almost all taller than me.

I got a few "Hey, L/N!"s or "What's up?"s from the people I knew (which I returned with a wave or small smile, of course), but most people just ignored me and continued doing what they were doing. I was completely fine with that - frankly, I didn't want to talk to anybody either.

After a while of searching, I was starting to panic, lost in the middle of the crowd of people towering above me. I looked around frantically. I'm an anxious mess, so this was a nightmare for me.

I was almost to the point of tears when I heard the doorbell over the loud voices and music. I pushed through the people to get to the bottom of the stairs expectantly. Then, the door at the top of the stairs was thrown open and to reveal Mina (she'd been the one greeting all the guests) and, to my relief, Shinso.

"Hitoshi!" I exclaimed with glee. I ran up the stairs to him, literally throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him, startling him slightly. I pulled away and beamed at him, and to my surprise he was blushing slightly. He returned my broad smile with a small one of his own.

"Hey, Y/N."

Mina blinked at us not fully understanding the situation (because really, did Shinso just SMILE?), before recovering by shaking her head vigorously.

"That's the last person!" The host exclaimed.

"It's time to play some games." She added with a mischievous grin.

~Cottontongue 🌸

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