Sleepover Games (Part 3) - Hitoshi Shinso x Reader

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Mmmmm getting to the REAL good stuff NOW, there's only one part left to go ;))

For a Hitoshi x Reader in shot, this part didn't have much Hitoshi in it at all :/

Also ack look at that hot babe
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Credit goes to artist)

Mina went first. She asked Sero, and he picked dare, so she dared him to order them a pizza.

He happily obliged.

Sero then asked Todoroki, who also chose dare. He dared Todoroki to do four cartwheels in a row. Everyone held their breath as they waited for Todoroki's response.

Only, he didn't give one.

He just stood up, walked a little away from the circle, and did four perfect cartwheels in a row across the room. Everyone sat there in a stunned silence, before some people burst into laughter, and others stared at Todoroki in awe.

"I didn't know you could even DO cartwheels!" Sero said between laughing fits, wiping tears from his eyes.

Todoroki once again had no reply, so he simply sat down at his spot in the circle again.

Then, catching everyone off-guard, he asked Kaminari. He chose dare, so Todoroki dared Kaminari to use electricity to charge his phone for him, as he said it was almost dead. A few people started laughing again, but Kaminari, somewhat embarrsed, did it anyway.

Leave it to Todoroki to find a PRACTICAL use for truth or dare.

There were a few more rounds of hilarious dares and embarrassing "when I was a kid" stories when people were too afraid to pick dare. When it came to my turn, I picked dare, as there was NO way I was answering the dreadful "Who do you like?" question, which still hadn't been asked yet.

I was dared by Tetsutetsu to eat 5 spoonfuls of mustard without any water.

"But I hate mustard!" I groaned.

"I know." He grinned.

A few more rounds passed by, at one point Monoma had to let Itsuka write something on his face without telling him what it was. 'I'm clinically insane', it read, but he had no idea.

Eventually, Kirishima was dared (by Mina, of course) to kiss Bakugo.

There was QUITE a lot of protesting and many graphic threats flying through the air as Kirishima pounced on the screeching boy. The fact that Kirishima had a defense quirk was rather helpful in this situation, as Bakugo was currently trying to blow up his face.

After a while of struggling, Kirishima landed a kiss on Bakugo's nose, and he sat up, still on top of the fuming blond, grinning down at him triumphantly.

"I hate you AND your shitty hair." Bakugo stated, a barely-noticeable blush on his face as he glared at Kirishima. The red head only stuck his tongue out at him, then climbed off and sat back down in his spot in the circle.

Eventually, after everyone else stopped screeching and laughing and just generally flipping out over Kiribaku, the REAL otp; it was Kirishima's turn to pick someone.

Kirishima, after a moment of thought, asked Aoyama, who picked truth (much to Kaminari's disappointment). He spent a good 2 minutes thinking of a question, and eventually decided on asking (in a weary voice that made him sound very dead inside), "Why are you the way that you are?"

Everyone laughed at this, but Aoyama, none the wiser, replied, "I know I'm fabulous. I just can't help it.", while staring off into space.

We all laughed a little harder at this, but the poor boy clearly didn't understand why we were laughing.

Aoyama waited for everyone to calm down, before asking Hagakure who she liked when the girl picked truth.

"I-I don't have t-to answer that." The pair of floating pyjamas squeaked.

"Um, yeah. You do. That's literally the game." Sero said matter-of-factly.

"C-can we play something different?" Ojiro asked quietly, causing heads to turn towards him. Of course, everyone knew that he was Hagakure's crush. and vice-versa. Ah, shipping.

"Yes p-please!" Hagakure said, sounding grateful.

People broke out in half-hushed arguments.

"Okay, okay. That's enough. What do you guys want to play?" Mina said over everyone else, causing them to quiet down.

A few suggestions floated through the air, such as telephone and MASH, none of which stood out.

Then, someone piped up from the back of the group.

"Seven minutes in heaven!"

Literally everyone glared in the general direction the voice came from, because apparently no one knew who actually said it.

Mina broke out into a huge, evil smile, and everyone looked at her nervously.

I glanced at Hitoshi, face turning red, while my stomach did somersaults. Luckily, he didn't notice me staring.

"Let's play." Mina grinned wickedly.

~Cottontongue 🌸

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