Chapter - 1: A calm evening.

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(Reposting Pain to Love after the frequent events of Wattpad deleting Stories.)

As the bright, warm sun shines down on Station Square, a two tailed fox known as Tails was skipping down the sidewalk with a backpack full of parts he bought from the store to upgrade the Tornadox.As he was skipping down he suddenly got tripped by someone which made him fall and land head first on the cement.

"Aaghh! Oh, my head..." Tails groaned while picking himself up.

Tails looked up and saw Shadow laughing at him. Tails put his hand on his head then moved it away and looked at it to notice some blood from a gash on his forehead.

"What the heck Shadow?" Tails screamed at shadow.

Shadow then stopped laughing and glared at him which made Tails start to worry.

"You're pathetic and you know it. People like you need to be thrown on another planet far away from here" Shadow coldly replied 2 inches from Tails face.

Tails kept quiet and almost started to tear up until Shadow shoved him back on the pavement and began to walk off. (Shadow has been treating Tails with such cruelty due to Tails being gay. He was the only person who knew Tails was gay, and because of that Shadow would threaten Tails by saying he would tell everyone he was gay if Tails didn't do what he told him to do.) Tails then got up while holding his hand on his head trying to hide the scar. He then picked up his backpack and began to walk home teary eyed almost feeling hopeless and depressed for the fact that he was being treated so harshly for thinking that way. As Tails walked into his apartment, he set his bag down on the counter in the kitchen and ran into the bathroom to get stuff to bandage his wound. Tails started to clean it with alcohol and water then bandaged it up. He looked at himself in there mirror and began to cry, slamming his head onto the counter covering his face. Tails then quickly perked his head up turning around as he heard a knock on the door. Tails quickly tried to dry his eyes, but kept getting interrupted by the fact that the person kept knocking and wouldn't stop.

"Hold on! I'll be there in a sec.!" Tails yelled as he finished drying his eyes and ran to the door opening it quickly.

"For goodness sakes, please stop knocking on my door so mu*..." Tails stopped mid sentence once he saw Sonic and sat there staring at the beautiful creature.

"Wow...he's so handsome..." Tails was so deep in the thought he didn't realize Sonic was trying to get his attention.

"Hey, Tails! You, ok? Hello?" Sonic said snapping his fingers in front of Tails face making Tails snap back from his day dreaming.

"O-oh! H-hey, sonic! Uummm...what're you doing here?" Tails asked choking a bit.

"Nothing. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out or someth*..." Sonic then noticed the huge bandage on Tails forehead, and started to worry.

"What happened to your head?!" Sonic asked while running up to Trails grabbing his shoulders trying to examine the wound.

"Uuuhhhh...I hit a tree..." Tails quickly said.

"Yeah, no. You did not just hit a tree. Seriously what happened to you?" Sonic asked again even more worried.

"N-nothing Sonic! I-I'm fine, seriously!" Tails tried to say stuttering a bit.

Sonic just looked at Tails with a "You're kidding me, right" expression. Tails then started to cry a little bit, not knowing what to say or do. Sonic noticed this and put Tails in a hug to comfort him

"Hey, it's ok. about we discuss this inside?" Tails then nodded and brought Sonic inside the house closing the door behind him. 

Tails walked past Sonic into his living room and sat down on the couch followed by Sonic who say next to him.

"Ow!" Tails Reacted grinding in his teeth as Sonic tried to feel examine his wound but soon stopped as soon as he heard Tails reaction.

"I'm sorry...Tails...You need to tell me what happened and give me the truth!" Sonic told Tails crossing his arms.

"*Sigh* was Sh-Shadow. I was as*" Tails tried to reply but got cut off by Sonic as soon as he spoke about Shadows name.

"EXCUSE ME? SHADOW DID IT? WHY THAT MOTHER F*" Sonic was cut off by Tails who covered his mouth trying to stop him from swearing and freaking out.

"Sonic. Don't ever say that! It's okay. He isn't gonna bug me anymore." Tails Told Sonic.

"No, he isn't! You know that Tails. Dont worry, I'll be sure to keep him away from you." Sonic said getting up wanting to go take care of Shadow but got pulled back down into the chair by Tails.

"No, Sonic! He isn't.Seriously!" Tails replied.

Tails didn't want to tell Sonic because he didn't want Shadow to hurt Sonic and if he found out Tails Told Sonic what happened, he would only hurt Tails more.

" don't need to be scared. I'm always here for you, you know that. I would never just let these kind of things happen to you." Sonic reassured.

Tails heart melted by Sonics words making him want to kiss him so badly but he didn't want to ruin their friendship.

"Sonic..." Tails said trying to get his attention.

"Yeah?" Sonic Replied.

"Do you have anything to do for the rest of the afternoon or even tomorrow?" Tails asked being shy.

"Mmmm...not really. I mean, it's pretty boring at my place if your asking to come over or something." Sonic replied.

"Well, no actually. I-I was wondering if know...could stay the night. That's if you want to to though! I mean, you don't have to I was just so*" Tails was beginning to get choked up on asking Sonic but got cut off by him as Sonic pressed his finger against Tails lips making Tails blush a little bit.

"Yes, Tails. I don't mind." Sonic reassured shilling at Tails.

"Thank you." Tails smiled back

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