Chapter 4 - Preparation.

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After almost about 2 hours of Sonic cuddling up with Tails to keep him from getting scared from the lightning, they then began to notice that the lightning and rain had finally stopped, also the skies were beginning to clear up. 

"Hey, Tails. Wake up buddy." Sonic said shaking Tails back and fourth. 

"Mmm...*Yawn* Wha...what time is it?" Tails asked trying to wake himself up almost falling off of the couch.

"It's now afternoon. You've only slept for an hour goofball." Sonic replied giggleing at the sight of Tails.

"*Sigh* Don't call me a goofball you fuzz for brains." Tails retorted back at Sonic.

"Why you little..." Sonic then started to tickle Tails.

"Aaahhh! S-Sonic! Bbfff hahaha! S-stop hahaha!" Tails was practically begging for Sonic to stop by yelling his brains out.

"Nu-uh. Not until you apologies for saying that!" Sonic Replied tickling Tails even harder.

"Nah! Na* hahahaha! P-please! I-I'm sorry, ok? Hahahaha!" Tails was yelling even louder now until they came to quick stop once they heard a knock at the door.

Sonic then let go of Tails and got up to head to the door to see who it was.

Once Sonic opened the door he saw Knuckles standing there with a backpack and gear on.

"Uuhhh...hey, Knuckles." Sonic greeted trying not to grin.

"Hey, Sonic. Listen, I don't know what I was thinking about yesterday but I was just in the heat of the moment and I felt pretty bad so I just wanted to say I'm sorry for walking out of the door like that." Knuckels apologized which surprised Sonic a little.

"But that's not the point why I'm here. I'm here because I wanted to let you guys know that I'm gonna be gone for a while." Knuckles told Sonic while Tails came from the living room stopping right next to Sonic.

"Why's that?" Tails asked.

"I'm gonna be going after Eggman, and you two aren't gonna stop me. Those are my friends that are in trouble and I'm gonna do what it takes to get the*" Knuckles was stopped mid sentence by Sonic.

"Actually...we were planning on asking you to come with us to go help them." Sonic Retorted.

Wait...seriously?" Knuckles asked surprised and confused a little.

"Yeah. We were talking about it earlier today, technically just when you left. Look, we plan on leaving tonight so we don't have police trying to follow us or any other officials. We're taking Tails plane. You can tag along if you want but if you're gonna go on your own then go ahead." Sonic explained giving Knuckles an option.

"Oh, okay then. I'm coming with you guys. To be honest I wasn't gonna go alone, I was just gonna try and find a way to make you guys come with me, but since you're doing the same thing then I'll come with you guys, I guess." Knuckles happily replied, being told to come inside by Tails.

"You guys were awfully loud before I came here. I could here you down the hall downstairs. What on earth were you doing?" Knuckles questioned setting his bags down on their sofa. 

Sonic and Tails looked at each other the looked away trying not to bush. Knuckles then looked at them both and tried to figure out what was wrong with them, but gave up sooner since he didn't really care that much. 

"Well, if we're gonna leave tonight then you guys should get your stuff packed. I already got mine so I'm ready to leave whenever you guys are." Knuckles Suggested while sitting down the couch crossing his arms. 

"You don't mind if I pass out here until we leave? I need to get some sleep, I also don't want to be tired as heck when we head out." Knuckles asked Sonic beginning to lay down on the couch.

"Sure, I'm gonna help Tails get his stuff ready then I'll probably go to sleep too. We'll wake you up when it's time to go." Sonic replied turning around to notice Tails was already walking down the hall to his bedroom. 

"Alright, goodnight then." Knuckles said beginning to fall asleep.

Sonic then began to walk down the hall to Tails bedroom to find out he's not in there. 

"Tails? You in here? Hello?" Sonic quietly said.

Sonic began to walk inside not realizing Tails was behind the door which gave Tails an idea to shut the door so he can scare Sonic a little better not trying to disturb Knuckles. Tails quietly shut the door behind Sonic and began to get ready to pounce on him. 

"Ok, here we go...1...2...3...Boo!" Tails jumped up at Sonic causing Sonic to fall onto the ground with Tails on top of him.

"Don't do that Tails!" Sonic said stopping himself from that thought and started focusing on the fact that Tails was practically laying on top of him.

Tails then looked at Sonic and started to blush. Not a word said, not a sound to creep, not a movement commenced, just pure dead silence. Tails was looking into Sonics eyes making his heart melt. Sonic suddenly started to feel an urge he's never felt before, an urge that he will never forget. Sonic started to lean his head forward with Tails doing the same almost allowing their lips to connect until they suddenly heard the door open which made then quickly stop what they were doing and made Sonic push Tails off of him.

"Hey, you guys got some extra blankets I can u*...What's up with you two?" Knuckles asked curious by the fact that they haven't even started packing.

"U-uh...We uhhh..." Tails tried to explain until he was cut off by Sonic.

"Well, I was walking in here until Tails scared me half to death." Sonic told Knuckles getting up off the ground, brushing himself off.

"Really...Tails scared you? That's the first. Anyways do you got any extra blankets for me to use?" Knuckles asked one more time.

"Oh, yeah! Here." Sonic then grabbed a couple blankets he had on the ground in the corner of the room and handed them to Knuckles.

"Thanks. Goodnight, again." Knuckles said walking out of the room.

Sonic then shut the door behind him and looked at Tails who was looking back at him with a smile on his face. Sonic felt like he was sick or something due to his heart feeling like it was melting and the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. 

"You ok, Sonic?" Tails asked getting up from lying down and grabbed Sonic before he fell. 

"Woah. I got dizzy there for a sec." Sonic explained straightening himself back up.

"We should uhhh...we should get ready." Tails advised. 

"Yeah, you're right." Sonic Replied heading over to Tails closet to grab his backpack.

After Sonic and Tails were done packing they suddenly passed out on the floor forgetting to set the alarm for 4:00 AM. 

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