~Chapter 2~

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~One year earlier at Jungkook's' graduation~

"Hey Namjoon-hyung, why is Jimin staring at me like he hates me or something?"

Both Yoongi and Namjoon looked over at Jimin, who was now staring at the ground trying not to look embarrassed.

"Well..." Namjoon started off saying, debating whether or not he should even be telling Yoongi this.

"I heard a small rumor from someone that he likes you...like a lot."

"No way. No one's going to believe that hyung...although it would be kind of cool if he did" he added almost quiet enough for no one to hear.

"So...if he did like you Yoongi, would you go out with him?"

He had to really think about this. He didn't want another relationship where he was only wanted for his looks and body. But...maybe Jimin is different from Jackson.

"Yeah, maybe. But I'd want to at least get to know him a little bit more..."

"Yeah that makes since...it took me almost two years before I asked Jin-hyung to be my boyfriend, so just take your time okay?"
“Okay...thanks hyung”


~Present day at the dorm~

“So...you ready to go inside Yoongi? We’ve been sitting in the driveway for like ten minutes now”
He looked up and noticed Jimin was getting a little fidgety.

“Yeah, lets go inside now. Sorry” He said, looking down at the car floor blushing.
“Your fine Yoongi, don’t worry.” Jimin said with the cutest smile, making Yoongi’s heart flutter in a way its never done before.

When they walked in, the whole dorm was dead silent. The only thing you could hear was the TV and the sound of Jin humming in the kitchen.
“Well...this is kinda weird.” said Jimin with a shy look on his face.
“Yeah, I know. Sometimes the guys like to hide away in there rooms.”

When Jin heard them talking, he ran out of the kitchen and hugged them both lovingly.
“Hey Jimin! I’m Jin, do remember me from Jungkook’s graduation?”
“How could I not remember you! You had so many funny jokes.”

“...Yoongi you need to marry him. He’s the one.” Jin said, staring at Yoongi with complete seriousness.
Both Yoongi and Jimin started blushing.
“Actually, about that Jin-hyung...do you mind if I tell him Jimin?”

Jimin looked up at him with the purest face Yoongi’s ever seen.
“Yeah..I’d like him to know first.”
Yoongi looked at Jin with worried eyes, still debating whether or not if he should tell him.

“Before I say anything, can I ask you a question Jin-hyung?”
“Go ahead.” Jin started to look worried.
“...what would you do if me and Jimin were dating?”

“You guys are dating aren’t you?” Jin said, a smirk suddenly spreading across his face.
“How did you know!?”
“I could tell by the way you two were talking...and you didn’t hang up the phone after we talked. I heard everything you guys were talking about.”

Both Yoongi and Jimin started blushing and looked down at the floor.
“S-so Jin-hyung...are you okay with us dating then?”
Yoongi could feel his heart racing, his blood rushing. Waiting for Jin’s answer.

“Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be? I love you two so so much.”
Yoongi and Jimin let out a sigh of relief.  

“When do you think we should tell the others?” Jimin said with a slightly shy tone in his voice.

“Maybe during dinner? What do you think Jin-hyung?”

Jin thought to himself for a moment before answering. “Yeah, why don’t you tell them during dinner. That way everyone is in the same room at once. For now, come and help me make dinner.”

"Okay, why not." Jimin said with the cutest grin on his face.

~to be continued~

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