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"Where have you been, Nicole?"

I was walking down the stairs, yet I could hear Dad talked from the dinning area.

"You weren't home for two nights. Where have you been, young lady?"

I rolled my eyes. God, my Dad is just so annoying. "I'm out with Minhyun."

I pulled a chair for me to sit in and grab a plate. I picked a vegetable salad for breakfast and settled with an orange juice. I got no appetite to eat.

"Your mom is asking for you. You should stay at her place." He said.

"And what? Be in the same place with Seongwoo?" I asked. "Ridiculous."

In the eyes of other people we're just cousins. But inside, when no one from outside of our family, we're siblings.

My Dad and his mom had an affair, and I was the product of that. My mother, even though she isn't my biological mom really cared for me and she died when she knew about it.

I find it amusing that they can still sleep peacefully after everything that happened. After they took someone's life.

He placed the newspaper down. "Or you won't be getting you car again?"

"I don't like there, Dad. You can't threaten me." I shrugged. "Even if you give me my car or not, I won't be going there still."

He sighed. "What am I going to do with you, Nicole?"

Shrugging, I took a sip from my juice. "You can't take back a life anyway." I said, then getting up from my seat.

It's amusing also how they can act like nothing happened, or they didn't once cheat and no life was taken.

Cheating is not a mistake. I believe it's a choice.


"You're here again."

I brought my head up and saw the same guy from the last time. "Hey." I called. "Want to take a drink with me?"

"Yeah, sure." His eyes shinned brightly as he smile. "What brought you here again?"

I shrugged. "Nothing. Life has been fucking me real hard."

"You're not living if you don't feel like it." He said.

I chugged down the beer, causing a burning sensation on my throat. He's right. Living means allowing life and everything to fuck you. Well, maybe I am just really denial. I am still stuck. I am still hoping that maybe... everything is just a dream. That maybe, my mother is still alive or maybe I'm still stuck from the seven year old me who has hopeless crush on someone named Minhyun. "I noticed that you're everywhere I go."

His eyes went wide, but then recovered a seconds later and smiled. "You noticed. Finally."


"Why not?" He asked back. "You've been looking to someone for so long now. Can't you atleast look for me too?"

I guess the effect of the alcohol is kicking in inside me. I felt hot all of a sudden. "Do you like me?" I asked once again. I was shaking inside.

He nodded.


"I like you." He stated.

I chuckled. "I guess I'm drunk." I don't want him to like me. No. I'm broken. "What's there to like?"

"Maybe you're drunk now." He smiled. I stared at him. He isn't bad after all. "But I'll still like you anyway."

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