Chapter 7

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Sunday Night

I was just about to sleep when I hear a knock on my door I see my dad. "Hi daddy" I say and he walks over and kisses my cheek and removes strands of hair that was in front of my face. He says "Honey I have to tell you something I know your not gonna like" "Daddy you can never make me sad" I say smiling.

He says "alright well me and your mom have been wanting to tell you this for a while but before I tell I need you to promise me that you'll stay strong for me your mom and your sisters". I tell myself before he says anything els don't cry no matter what he says don't cry at least in front of him. Alright daddy I promise spit it out. He gets a grip on my hand and says.............

We're moving to Alexandria, Virginia.

I was getting ready to cry and I just smiled and said I'm here for you dad. Well let me tell you why, I nod my head and he beings to say, we'll honey we can't afford to pay for this house anymore and I lost my job. My heart sunk.

My dad continued but I got an amazing job in Alexandria Virginia and I get paid almost triple of what I get payed. So is that why you went on a business trip last month you were looking at houses, he nodded his head and said we move Wensday our house is huge you get an amazing room with a balcony honey.I felt a darkness come over me but I knew this was hard on him our whole family is out here in California and my dad is a family man so I knew this would affect him tremendously.

I just put on a fake smile and said daddy I'm fine you need to take care of mom and my baby sis don't worry about Vanessa (My older sister) she can handle this. He kisses my forehead and says I'm sorry about the dance team honey but maybe there's better opportunities out there for your dancing , fake smile and nod my head again.

He kisses my forehead again and begins to walk out the door before he opens it he says are you okay? I reply yes daddy I'm fine stay strong right. He says promise. I say pinky promise he giggles and walks out as soon as he walks out I cry. That was the first time I had ever lied to my dad I told him I was happy when I wasn't I whisper to myself. Then I layed down and cried myself to sleep.

Next Morning

I wake up its Monday Morning I walk over downstairs and see my mom with tears she says, he sweetie your not going to school these last days your gonna help us pack and get things ready to start our new life's.

I say alright trying to sound happy but I think we both knew that was bullshit. Yeah honey your dad is not gonna get home for a while, he's transferring your files to your new highschool in Virginia.

Great I said and asked her what was the school called.She replies Bishop Ireton High School, you got lucky sweetie the just removed their uniforms they are not required anymore.

I said great since I hate having to wear the same thing as everyone else. She says giggling I know honey I know. Great your laughing I say wiping her tears away she just smiles at me and I kiss her hand. Then I text Isacc and Bella

Hey Loves,

Well I just wanted to tell you that I'm moving to Virginia so Friday was my last day. I need you guys to stay strong so I can. Plus I would really appreciate it If you told the dance team that I'm not attending that school anymore. Well bye guys I love you hope we meet again in life and do me favor and dnt come to my house I wana keep the last memory of us being happy at Carl's Jr. Not the one of all of crying and saying goodbye. I love you guys text me later.

Love Delilah

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