Chapter 93

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Disney World with Alejandra
(Day 1)

I sat down on the plane with Alejandra I let out a large breath I say "I literally want to get off this plane" she grabbed my hand rubbing circles on the top she replies "This relaxes Shawn before a concert I don't know if it's helping". The plane starts to take off she says "just relax he's with the boys they'll watch him" I nod then say "Alejandra before I got on he was telling me stuff that just made it harder". Alejandra sighed then said "He's not thinking straight right now. He doesn't mean or even understand the shit he was saying. He loved her so much and it's like he lost a part of himself".

I nod then reply "I know and I feel for him but before we got on the plane he told me that every ounce of his body is telling him to beg me to stay and I told him to do it but he just didn't". I lean my head on Alejandra's shoulder and she says "You know he wanted you stay but he wants you to be happy living your dream even more" I respond "I just feel really guilty going but I know he'd beat himself up about it if I'd stay".

Alejandra says "Are you doing anything wrong?" I reply "I don't think so do you think so". She pats my shoulder saying "No, so there is nothing to feel guilty about" I sigh then say "I just wish I could take all his pain away". She rubs her forehead then says " I know but the best thing you could do is be supportive and make sure he is stable and continues hit regular routine. When Shawn lost his grandpa he saw his dad drink everyday for weeks until he passed out and he wanted to turn to that too. I didn't let him, because I didn't want him to ruin his future in music".

I take a deep breath then say nervously "Okay everything's gonna be okay I mean its only two days he has the boys, his parents, and I'll check up on him as much as I can were fine" she replies "I told Shawn to keep an eye on him, especially with Sammy around. I guarantee he will keep him in check, I promised him I was all his when we got back if he did". I smile then reply "I just hope he doesn't get sidetracked with his music cuz I know he's trying to realse his album". She smirks then says "A few days can't hurt besides when we get back I'll give him all the inspiration he'll need" I laugh then say "Ohh alright".

******PLANE LANDING******

We got off the plane honestly one of the worst two hours ever we had the cutest little boy behind us but he was kicking our seats basically he whole time. I groaned as me and Alejandra made our way over to baggage claim to get our luggage they weren't hard to find Alejandra were purple with silver popping and mine were blush pink with gold piping so yeah they stood out.

Alejandra and I found our bags she asked me "So are we getting taxi or are they sending someone" I replied "well the text he sent me said that he sent me a driver and that the driver would be holding a paper with my name on it". She nodded we made our way outside then started looking around she pointed over she said "That's him he's holding a sign that says Delilah Perez" there was a Disneyland logo and the bottom of it I nodded then said "Yeah that has to be it".

The car was a freaking Rolls Royce Phantom I never thought ever in a million years I'd see one in person I was looked at Alejandra I said "please tell me you see it too" she laughed then said "yeah I see too girl". I walked up to the man smiling I said "I'm Delilah Perez" he took out his phone then stared at the screen he replies "yup your face fits the picture and the description".

I laugh as he says "I'll take your bags and put them in the back yes" we both nodded as he opened the door for us to enter. I sat down on the leather seats Alejandra following in after I smile then say "This is freaking bezerk" she shoves my shoulder smiling then says "don't you feel special" I nod replying while looking at the interior "I defiantly do".

The driver entered the car then saying "So I am going to drive you to your hotel were you will be meeting your assistant and she will explain everything else from there on out ". I nodded smiling then asked "umm where are we staying if I'm allowed to ask" he laughs then says "ofcorse I'm here to serve you you are staying at the Disney's Polynesian Village Resort I'm not sure what room though its a beautiful resort though it'll only take us twenty minutes to get there". I nodded then he started driving us to the resort and I'm pumed as hell.

It was a mission to get to this resort we had to pass mulitiple gates what I didn't know was that resort was legit inside of Disney World so yeah we had to take all sorts of behind the scenes rides. We arrived at the resort as the car stopped Alejandra said "That was crazy this park is bigger than I remember I nodded then said "Yeah this is way way bigger than Disneyland".

The driver opened our door then said "quiet sorry for the delay ladies" we stepped out I said "Its fine its a privilege just to be here honestly thank you". He took our luggage's a bell hop took them out of his hands I looked forward he was right this place was pretty much the definition of amazing.

We walked in it was more beautiful inside then the outside there was legit waterfalls inside of this building. Alejandra pointed me over to another lady who had a sign holding my name I waved at her she smiled then made her way over to us.

She shook my hand then said "Hello I am your assitant for this trip you call me I'm there" I nodded then she handed me a folder she tells me "This is your schuedle for your performances, pictures, parades and such".

I took it then said "Thank you this is basically my survival guide for this trip" she nodded then said "I'll be showing you two to your room right this way please". She leads us to a golf there was a man that I guess was driving for the guests weird they should be perfectly capable of using a golf cart if you ask me.

She tells the man "please drive us to the Ambassador Suite Tonga Longhouse" he nodded the lady looked back at us then told us "You to young ladies are staying at the nicest room in other words the presidential suite". Me and Alejandra looked at each other smiling I said "Do you think they'll be chocolate covered strawberries" she said "I sure freaking hope so".

This was different than the average hotel there was sort of like cabins as rooms or floors it was cool they were either on water or on land. We crossed this bridge and our room was over the water awsome I was honestly hoping for this we pullbupbto the front of the suit. We get off the bellhop is taking our bags inside she says "Mr.Pitaro wwanted you to live in the best of the best".

We entered the suite into a flipping gorgoues living room she says "There is one master bedroom and two guest there is a phone where you can order breakfast, lunch, dinner,snacks, anything your heart desires its all paid for". This cannot all be for me I tell her "this is way too much umm we can take a smaller room".

She smiled then says "No Mr.Piatro insitts that you stay here sleep eat drink enjoy ladies". With that she left me and Alejandra looked at each other then started jumping on the couches like crazy laughing Alejandra said "Common we need you to get some sleep because your first performance tomorrow starts at..." She looks at the folder then says "two for soundcheck like rehearsal and then official performance at three then parade at five you need your sleep girl".

I nod we grab our bags we make our way to the room looking in the such but then we pass the master let me just say the bed is huge as hell it's legit to Cali king beds combined. I jumped on the bed messing us the covers I tell Alejandra "we should just share this room honestly its huge". She nodded then set her stuff down she says "sleep time" I say "I'm gonna shower because according to my schuedule" I open it then read "there will be a hair and make team here at 11".

She nods then says "yeah I'll go after you" I grabbed PJs, my hair products, and my undergarments my pjamas consited of Matt's red flannel and black shorts. I grabbed a towel from the basket then turned on the hot water I put my shampoo and conditioner in the shower which the water came out of the ceiling.

I brushed my teeth really quick then hopped in the shower it was so warm. It felt like rain was poring on me it was nice I started washing my hair with my coconut shampoo. Then since my hair is going to have to survive probably a lot of hairspray tomorrow I had to condition twice. I washed my body with my favorite be enchanted body wash. When I completed everything I hoped out drying my hair then my body I quickly put on my pjs I brushed my hair quickly then ran my fingers through it making it look wavy adding product.

I went out up. to the room grabbing a pair of my pumå long socks putting them on Alejandra booked it into the bathroom. I sat on the bed playing with my heart shaped necklace I grabbed my phone then started snapchatting some pictures around our suite putting it on my story.

I took so many damn pictures my story was like 5 minutes long I couldn't help it I loved the view of the water we were on. I looked at my phone for a while debating whether or not I should call Matthew I'm not sure if he's sleeping or not but if he is I don't wanna wake him up. I decided on no I'll just call him when I wake up I just set up the alarm on my phone then connected it to my charger on the side of the bed.

I made my way into the living room to a little snack bar the had I opened the fridge took out a glass bottled water and a bowl of rase berries. I went inside the room to see Alejandra sitting on the bed with Shawn's blue flannel onni smiled.

I made my over to the bathroom turning off the light I see a flashbof light I look at Alejandra she says "you look so cute I'm sending this to Matt" I laugh as I hear her press the send button. I pull her of the bed we go to a full length body mirror and take pictuers we post them on my instgram saying "great minds think alike" and we add the boys.

We hop in bed Alejandra says "go to sleep big day tomorrow" I nod then lay on the bed under the blankets all warm. I hold on to the end of the sleeves of Matthew's flaneel I fall asleep to the scent of his colone.

******NEXT MORNING******

I woke up to Alejandra jumping on the bed really hard she was repeating "get up" over and over again. I sat up laughing I said "okay okay I'm up" she sat down she said "sorry did I wake you". I pushed her then said while laughing "shut up what time is it" she looked at her phone screen then said "Well it's currently 10". I pout then say "I could of had two more hours of sleep" she laughed then said "I was not gonna be up at Disney world alone".

She shot up the beg then said "Let's go watch TV in living room" I nodded then got up Alejandra started talking to her phone recordining she said "Disney world day one now starting first mission waking FaLa up while annoying the shit out of her complete".

I laughed behind her we walked into the living room I started opening all of the windows letting light in and some fresh air. Alejandra said "So after all of your scheduled stuff are we gonna be able to get on rides and stuff" I nodded then said "hell yeah I wanna get matching hats".

She smiled then said "I'm so down for that we should get mickey ears" I nodded then said "even better we should get mickey ears" we not squeled. Alejandra said "so how should we kill time for two hours before all of your performances and stuff" I started surfing through the channels I said "for two hours I would like to watch the Aladdin movie". She nodded then we both got comfortable on the couch.

Alejandra's phone started ringing I looked at her she didn't even look at the contact she was sobibto the movie she just answered. She put it on speaker then began to speak into her phone.

C= Hello

?= Alejandra

C= that's my name

?= Please tell me Delilah's with you

C= Matthew

M = yeah its me don't be so loud

C= yeah I'm with Delilah

M= She wasn't answering her phone

C= She left it in our room we're watching a movie it's loud she probably couldn't hear it

M= Thank god make sure she eats breakfast

C= okay Matt geez calm down

M= can I talk to Delilah

C=Yeah hold on

Alejandra hands me the phone she says "here Matt wants to talk to you I'll order breakfast what you want" I smiled grabbing the phone taking it off speaker I tell her "get me brown sugar oatmeal milk no water" she nodded then I held the phone to my ear.

D= Hi

M= Baby?

D= Yeah it's me

M= you doing good

D= yeah just relaxing before all of my performances

M= have you aten breakfast

D= No me and Alejandra just ordered

M= okay good she's taking good care you

D= yeah did you sleep good last night you sound tired

M= yeah its just the boys slept over

D= so did you sleep at all

M= I did. not the best but I did

D= I slept in your shirt

M= I know Alejandra sent me a picture *sigh* wish I could have woken up to that

D= Me too I was so cold

M= Two days and I'll keep you warm

D= yay

M= *chuckles* guess what.

D= what?

M= I'm moving into the pool house

D= baby are you serious I mean its nice and all but I thought we were going to Cali why move your things

M= I know I just thought I don't it'd be more space so I could have burnie and Emily with me and sleep over a with the guys

D= I guess that sounds like a good idea then

M= have you told your parents about you know me and you LA

D= No I don't know how to tell them have you told yours

M= yeah I told them I want you to come with me then they said that wasn't their decision

D= I want you to be with me when I ask my parents

M= I will I promise

D= good so how's it going with Sam

M= Okay he still thinks your cute the pictures of you in my room didn't help

D= *laughing* I'm yours his loss

M= *smiling* all mine

D= how are your parents

M= planing the service

D= when is it gonna be?

M= Tomorrow

D= What?!? What am I gonna do

M= stay over there

D= But-

M= But nothing your staying

D= why are they planning so fast

M= That's how it has to be its just their bodies start to- I don't wanna talk about

D= Its okay you don't have too

M= I'm just ready for you to come home so we can fly to California I feel like my whole family needs a break

D= I have to go eat breakfast room service just got here

M= Okay call me when you get the chance

D= I will I promise I love you.

M= I love you too angel bye

I hand up the call I sat at the table where they were laying out the food with Alejandra across from me. I handed her the phone she asked me "Good talk or bad talk" I sighed then said "Okay talk he seemed kind of weird I don't know he was tired probably not enough sleep".

We started eating Alejandra said "Shawn woke me up calling me then he sent me a video of the empty spot on his bed" I smiled then say "That's freaking adorable I wonder why he wasn't with the guys last night". She took a bite put of her bagle then said "his parents went out of town so he had to stay with Aaliyah" I nod.

I sigh then say "Matthew brought up LA and him wanting me too move in with him" Alejandra looks at me shocked then says "You're fourteen". I nod then rub my head I say "I know I told him that by the time he wants to move to LA I'll be fifteen but he says it'll help his career and he needs me their then he brought up my career as a dancer".

Alejandra says "What about your dancing career at school. You can't leave the team hanging your the best right next to Chloe" I said "I told him that but he told me that I have to realize highschool will end and if we wanna accomplish our dreams this has to start soon".

She replies "That may be true but you don't want to just drop and regret it later. Education is needed for the future, but if you think that's best then you should do it". I rub my head then say "I don't even know what's best for me anymore but can I tell you something that like you can't tel anyone else as in only me and Matthew know". She gulps loudly then says "Of course my lips are sealed".

I take in a deep breath then say "Matthew got contacted by UCLA that he could start next year to train with their football varsity team even if he's still in highschool and he's been thinking it through fully excepting there offer their offering him the best of both worlds"

She gasps then says "My dream school" I nod then say "his too and I don't wanna stop that". She says " I know you want the best for him but you have to think about what you want God forbid you guys breakup and you threw away great opportunities for him" I say "I know but has Shawn told you about summer plans yet".

She nods then says "Yes" I say "so he told you about LA him wanting to take you and all of us being out there". She replies "He mentioned it, but Shawn doesn't want to leave home and become like everything singer who ruins their life in LA He wants to stay humble" I nod then say "and he is going too but do you wanna hear what he told me but is too scared to tell you".

She replies "Well sure it sounds like I know buts and pieces but not the whole story. Let's see what I may know about this, if anything". I shake my head then say "you don't know he told me that not only did he book a few gigs out there but that he got offered to work and preform with Ed Sheeran, to do a collab with The Vamps, and offered a spotlight on Disney Channel to be on Radio Disney, lastly Ed Sheeran Alejandra that's his inspiration".

She says "But there's a difference between having gigs there and actually moving there" I nod then say "very true but that's why he's been nervous to tell you because he's thinking perminit and the reason he's thinking strongly about this is because he doesn't wanna leave his family and most importantly you". She nervously replies "My parents would never let me go. Not unless we were married or having a baby, because then it would be his responsibility to take care of me" I nod then say "that's the thing he can take care of you and you know that I mean how many years Alejandra four why doubt him now and we both now your parents admire him and love him and have just as much in you as they do in him".

She replies "They love him but they would automatically think I'm going to ruin my life They want me to accomplish things before making big choices" I nod then say "That's it though its always been you and Shawn against the world and they didn't like the idea of you dating him when you too started but look at how that turned out and it's not like you don't see a future with Shawn prove them wrong like you did the first time".

She walks over to the couch then covers her face I say "I'm sorry bringing this up" she shakes her head as in no then quietly whispers while crying "I-I'm pregnant". I quickly embrace her in a hug then say "What?" She nods then says " I'm going to have to I mean the world has always been against us being together but clearly failed I need to face the real world, move to LA and raise this baby and support Shawn at the same time My parents have to except it whether they like it or not ".

I rub her back as I hug her I say "By the way your talking I'm assuming he doesn't know yet" she rubs her eyes then replies nervously "Uhh no, he does not. Will you be there when I tell him Preferably as soon as we get back". I nod then say "Ofcourse" I sigh then say "I have to go to LA your gonna need me too". She shakes her head then says "No you're going to LA for dancing and dancing only I need to take care of myself, Shawn and baby Mendes. You take care of yourself and Espinosa".

I shake my head then say "your cute you think that's true I'm gonna help you the most I can, and honestly I already know my parents will say yes its just me this conversation gave me reassurance they've been getting calls and calls from agency's in LA looks like I'm finally gonna have to decided on one".

She smiled then says "We're both the same amount of stubborn, plus my hormones I can't do that to you You're going to be busy anyways, I don't want you to feel obligated" I laugh then say "you know if roles were switched you'd do the same thing except you'd beat the shit out of Matt first". She says "Speaking of which he is going to kill us well more Shawn then me" I shake my head as in no then say "If he does he will stay a virgin forever".

She says "How about we tell Shawn first then tell the rest of the guys right after That way thy can all process it together and no one gets offended thinking there less important than the other" I nod then say "I guess here we come LA".

She gasps then says "Cali life- wait. Oh my god how am a I going to tell my parents and Shawn's parents? I don't want them to think I'm a slut" I reply "don't worry Shawn will be there the whole time plus you've been with Shawn and only Shawn for four years your fine". She says "How are we going to tell the fans I don't want my baby to be a hate baby" I say "true fans will be happy and this will certainly not be a hate baby it'll be the most lived baby ever have you even met squad".

She smiles then says " You're right I can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl" I smile then say "who knows" she rubs her stomach then says "god". I ask "so when was this bun put in it's oven" she looks at her stomach then says "My best guess would have to be the camping trip It fits the timing, but I'm not sure yet I haven't made a doctors appointment because I wanted to tell you and Shawn first,I want to make sure both of you guys are there with me I just found out myself a few days ago".

I hold her hand then say "why didn't you tell me I would have been there for you" she replies "Of course I wanted to tell you sooner but I didn't want to give you any distractions worrying You had your dance championship going on and I couldn't be selfish by throwing my problems in you". I sigh then say "I swear were the worst people with timing" she replies "At times, but thank God I just have swim finals this week and the next is just fucking around in the pool I don't think I'll be showing these next two weeks or for your quince either".

I reply "so your four weeks pregnant" she says "Roughly yes, but we'll know for sure by this week I'll book appointment while your getting your hair and makeup done". I nod then say "When we go to Cali for my party we should look for a doctor out there too I mean your gonna be there for awhile"

She says "Sounds like a plan So when are we moving down exactly? I have a lot of stuff to finalize before then leaving the team and my clubs behind" I say "I think were probably gonna leave like maybe a week or two after my party". I sigh then reply "More like four weeks" she rubs her head then says "So much to do in so little time But maybe I can manipulate the guys into to helping me with me being pregnant and all".

I reply "fuck yeah were gonna abuse the shit out of that card" she says "I'll probably feel so guilty". I say "awesome part you'll be hormonal as hell and you will always be right" she says "I don't want them to hate me though I have to start controlling my mood swings now before they get worse".

I reply "we've been through too much together as a group they will not hate you ever" she replies "True Can I tell you something?". I smile then say "Ofcourse" she says "I'm more scared to tell Mat then I am my parents or Shawn's parents". I reply "yeah well friends since preschool, honestly I think you have to have them in seprate rooms when you say the news" she says "We really need to make sure of it We use to be the three musketeers when we were little and now I'm here I'm like his baby sister and Shawn his best friend so we really need to be smooth when exposing this news".

I say "Well any thing I can do to help with Matt I'll do" she says "just be there when I tell Shawn and the rest of the boys". I nod then say "Ofcourse you need me I'm there" she says "before the summer all of us going to Cali we should throw one last huge party for memories".

There's a knock at the door Alejandra says "ohh I'll get it" I already know that it's the hair and make up team there right on time. I hear Alejandra say "FaLa your servants are here " I laugh as I see six people with with kits one lady guides me over  to a chair I sit as they automatically start my hair and two ladies take my hands one right the other left I'm assuming their doing my nails.

Alejandra  gets a chair and sits right in front of me I laugh then say "Alejandra that whole party thing we can't do your expecting instead we should just have a sleep over at Matt's pool house since he's moving in their and all". She says "You're loss, but yeah we can do that by the way I never said I would drink" I nod then say "I know you wouldn't but you know the boys already".

She groans then says "the boys always ruin everything but I love them and it'll be fun we haven't done that since elementary school" I nod then say "Yeah I remember when Shawn told me that you two's first kiss was at one of those at Matt's house and he was pissed". She laughs then says "pissed try fuming, let me remind you that this was in elementary school sixth grade year so Matt's revenge was punching him in the balls and drawing penises on his face as he slept, he made me sleep next to him that night to make sure we wouldn't sneak away" I laugh then say "and that's how the love story  started, it's crazy I still remember when Matt followed me on IG in the beginning when I was in Cali just looking at the picture of him made me blush, and he would comment Bella and Isacc would make gun of me so hard, I remember when I'd gossip about Matt with you, did he ever you know gossip about me with you?"

The lady just finished doing my concealer about to start on my eyeshadow Alejandra says "be careful with her eyes their sensative" that's why she's my best friend cuz she's always looking out for me I rely "yeah sorry little eyes" the lady nods then continues. Alejandra says "What was I about to say oh yeah Um I wouldn't say gossip it was more of a low key fangirl over you he did mention the following of this sweet,but sexy girl on instagram before you came,when he first laid eyes on you in person I happened to be with him, he never stopped talking about how beautiful and amazing you were even before he met you".

I laughed then said "I'm never gonna forget that day it was so embarrassing but he was so sweet" she says "you shouldn't those are the moments that count, talking about all of this romance really makes me miss Shawn". I pout then say "shut up your making me want to go home, what if we fly back home early surprise the boys so after my last performance we can just catch a plane instead of waiting til day three" she replies "let's do it besides it's better for me to not get on rides I don't wanna hurt my baby if we stay I'll just get tempted".

I nod then my assistant comes in then asks me "is everything going smoothly so far?" I say "yes we were just wondering if we can change our flight to an earlier flight like right after my last preformance". She takes out her phone then starts scrolling I'm assuming she's looking for a flight she says "there's one at 7 so you'll have to leave right after your last parade" I nod then say "perfect thank you".

The ladies start packing up I ask "Um are we done" they all node then leave with my assistant I look at my nail nude nice I think to myself. I start stretching on the ground Alejandra says "Well I'm going to make the appointment for as soon as possible back home".

She looks at her phone then says "that's wierd Matt called us from Gilinsky's phone" I reply "that is wierd maybe his phone died". She nods then starts calling to make an appointment and I continue to stretch for like 20 minutes. I get up off the ground then make my way into the room then I lock the door.

I go over to my luggage then rake out my nude undergarments then slip into them. I also put on my skin tone stockings to make my legs look smoother. I put on some perfume then some lotion on my arms and my legs I slip into my costume and my ran shoes. I look into the mirror and notice they put a crown simple but cute I just home is stays on. I grab my black studded back pack then start adding extra clothes for the park I put in a lavender top, denim shorts, toms and black shades.

Alejandra knocks on the door I let her in she says "I gotta get ready foo" I laugh as she runs over to her luggage. I laugh then make my way out into the living room I start practicing on my leaps and my turns. I run the routien over and over in my mind the last time I rember watching a video of myself performing this I feel like I need a tad more emotion and to make my moves bigger so I'm gonna add that today.

While I'm the middle of a leap I hear Alejandra on the phone walking into the living room saying "I know babe I miss you too but I have to go right now FaLa has to get to her dress rehearsal .........okay I love you bye..........yes I rember bye shawn.......... I love you". I smile at hear as she hangs up I say "Are you ready for this long day" she nods then we make our way outside to see my assistant sitting on the cart.

We sit down my assistant tells me "So your first performance will be at Epcot then you'll finish off your day with the parade you two will need the passes wear them at all times you get things free and perks also for when you exit in and out of different parks". She hands us these two passes that go around our necks as were putting them on I say "So um soundcheck do I have to dance or are we just running through the show if I'm performing with other people".

She nods then says "Yes there will be a band out there a couple of princess preforming special scenes from popular Disney movies" I nod then say "Okay sounds like a plan so in the parade what # am I". She says "Your starting this is something different were calling you Princess Of The Day so your starting you have your own float" I jump in my seat then say "Ohhh my gosh are you serious".

She nods I say "That's freaking amazing this is the best" she laughs then says "Yes and you'll be able to do it all over again tomorrow". I squeal with joy as Alejandra laughs at me she says "your such a little kid sometimes" I laugh then say "Shut up you love it" she replies "girl true". My assistant tells me "let me add that when you take pictures with kids after your performance we need you to act bubbly" I look at Alejandra then mouth what's bubbly she shrugs.

I ask the lady "um what exactly do you meet by bubble" then she starts moving her hands slowly with elegance then she says "will you back a princess with me today". I'm shocked I say "Woah how'd you do that" she smiled then says "I used to be Cinderella in this park then I don't know I slowly moved up".

We arrived at this stage we say a huge group of people lined up outside we went through back gates I got off the cart. She pushed me towards the stage then said "Wait here" I nodded I saw Alejandra take a seat in the front row. She said loud enough for me to hear "Dude this place is huge" I nod then say "I'm scared shitless now". She says "Don't be don't worry babe your gonna kill it" I nod then say "god I hope so".

I feel a tap on my shoulder I look back no freaking way "Excuse me we need to do soundcheck" it's freaking R5. I say yeah sorry my assistant comes over to us then says "Your starting the show sweetheart were about to run soundcheck get yourself ready on stage" . Rydel smiles at me then says "Cute crown where do I recongnize you from" I shrug then say "I'm not sure but thanks I didn't even know I was gonna wear it but hear you can wear it".

Just as I'm about to take it off she says "aww your nice, keep it on it looks cute on you anyways" I smile then say "thanks". Then right after I hear my name on a microphone "Delillllah" I get on stage my assistant say "Go ahead position yourself well start the music when we see your ready".

I nod then examine the stage a big very big yes very big stage I stand in the middle I notice the lighting start to change awsome cuz the lighting before sucked. I turn around then position myself my assitant talks in the microphone again saying "Don't give it a hundred percent right now save it for the crowd" I nod then the music starts so I start.

I didn't do what she told me to do cuz I need to practice on my full battery so I can adjust to each movement I even did facials I mean R5 was right next to me I can't be looking like a chump. I end in my last position I hear my assistant laughing into  the microphone she said "That was amazing but what did I say".

I said "I know but I know my limits" she nods then says "Your tough may someone please get Ms.Perez a water". I get off stage someone hands me a water and I take it drinking it Rydel sits next to me she says "now I remember where I've seen you at" what everyone else says your Matthew girlfriend what I am expecting but don't hear.

She says "I saw you at that show in Vegas your amazing I swear both prices you preformed that day were kick ass its awsone to be working with you" I smile then say "Thanks its assume to hear you say that I mean I'm barely getting used to being known for my dancing". She smiles then says "you deserve every minute of it" her brothers come and sit at the table with us yes as in I'm sitting at a table with all R5 members.

Ross smiles at me then says "Hey your really good I didn't expect that it was gorgeous" I say "Thanks its a very special price to me I hold it close to my heart".  Riker says "Explains why you preform it so elegantly is it original" I nod then say "yeah I choreographed it all by myself".

Rocky nodded then said "That's cool I mean we'd be interested to work with you if your available I'm tired of the same old same old we want someone fun and fresh" I gasp then say "Are you serious I'd be up for it I do everything you name I'll try to bring the best". Rydel says "Our next music video we'll call you" I nodded then said "yeah here" then we swapped numbers. She says "Can we like meet up later have dinner or something we like to kinda get more of your vibe" I nod then say "I'm up for it".

The we hear "R5 up for sound check please" Rydel says "I'll see ya later" I nod as they leave. Ross stops then turns to me he says "What's you'r name again" I say "Delilah well FaLa I prefer". He smiles then say "Nice FaLa" he turn around then bumps into someone I giggle as he scratches his head and continues walking. I practice my routien back stage more turn more leaps.

I've been here now for an hour my assistant comes then says were starting come on I follow her she leads me to stairs that lead to the stage. She puts on this sash that says Princess Of The Day she says "this won't bother you while you dance right" I shake my head as in no she says "At the end of your performance be sure to bow then someone here will take you to your seat next to your friend". I nod as she says "Act bubbly as they annoce who you are alright" I say "I remeber act like a princess".

I walk on stage I see a shit tone of people sitting I hear the annocer say "Our special guest and Disney World Princess Of The Day Delilah Perez all the way from for Virgina came to preform her award winning piece that she won championships with" as I hear all this I walk around stage blowing kisses,spining, and I wave. I then hear "Would you fellow princes and princess like to see her preform" then they started cheering loudly I touched my cheeks as if I was blushing then put my hands to my heart.

Then I faced the back positioning myself then I heard the cheering die down then the lighting started changing. The music started I began dancing bigger dance moves higher leaps and jumps I added a lot more emotion into it. Every turn I did I didn't stumble thank the lord cuz I felt a bit wobbely phew.

I end maing sure to hold my pose the cheering erupts way louder then before then I count to five then break my pose then act bubbly again. Then a Prince Charming character comes handing me light pink roses I take them then we connect our arms then he guides me off stage.

Then he escorts me to where Alejandra is sitting she hugs me then says "You killed I swear its like you do it better and better every time" I smile at her then say "thanks I appreciate itit honestly it felt a lot better then other times". Then the annoncer says "What a lovely performance from our Princess Delilah now let's welcome to the stage R5" everyone started cheering I did too I was excited.

Ross spoke into the microphone "Hey how's everyone doing today" the people responded with cheering he continues saying "Such a gorgeous day here in Walt Disney World with all these gorgeous people, today were gonna be preforming I Want U Band" more cheering then you hear Ross Shout 1..2...3.. Then they start

In the back of a taxi cab,
One quick turn you were on my lap,
We touched hands and we pulled them back, yeah,
I want you bad!

And even though it should be so wrong,
I can't help but feel this strong,
Cause the way you turn me on like
A light switch

I might just go crazy,
'Cause you're my best friend's baby,
But you got me thinking maybe, just maybe,
I don't know what to do!

I'm in love with someone else's girl
You rock my world,
But you're the one that I can't have,
Girl, I want you bad!

The whole time I'm singing the lyrics at the top of my lungs with Alejandra.

They ended it all of them saying thank you then they walked off the stage. The rest of the show consisted of theater performances of Cinderella, Bell, Rapunzel, Jasmine and Ariel. Honestly I love the whole show it was so cute and it reminded me so much of my childhood with my sister I hope I get the chance to come with my fam bam.

Ten minutes before the show ended I got esscorted out of the are Alejandra came with me I was lead to an area where I am going to take pictures and sign autograph books for little kids. I'm excited I've always loved kids Alejandra sits to the side she's on her phone probably texting Shawn.

R5 comes out sitting at a table next to me I tell them "You guys killed it" they all say thanks Rydel says "You killed it too". Then a bunch of kids come I have to lines of people packed I'm.guessing the shows over I have two body gauurds letting people in one by one. I do what they told me act like a princess talk like a princess mention having tea parties with the other princess when girls ask me if I've ever met them all.

I was surprised to see how mist of them were dancers and actually knew me for me as in the girl who won the dance championship solo division. They asked me how they could become a better dancer and have better techniques. I gave them tips on what I noticed helped me parents even told me how much of an inspiration I was to their daughter. Overall it was awesome it just got akward when there teenage son would wanna take a picture with me and I legit couldn't say no.

I honestly like it was never gonna end this line was just getting larger by the second. I tried to get the process moving faster but it seemed like every group wanted to have a conversation with me. What was I supposed to dkbi mean I'm a talker I got to the point where time would just away from me.

My assistant can then said "Were done if you would like to see more of our princess go to the Magic Kingdom parade starting at 5" Alejandra stood next to she said "I'm hungry". My assistant guieds us both over to the cart she says "don't worry it'll be five in 15 minutes and the parades only 45 minutes and since were on a tight schedule no breaks".

I rub Alejandras back then say "at the parade they'll be carts with churros you can get something there then we'll go to dinner"  she nods then says "Tomorrow I'll bring snacks a churro sounds bomb". I nod then say "I know what you mean I should have had a heavier breakfast" she nods then says "we'll order something more filling tomorrow".

We arrive at Magic Kingdom at my float Alejandra gets off then says "I'm gonna get a churro and find a seat for the parade I'll be at the end so you'll be able to find me" I nod as she leaves. My assistant guides me over to my float and my I just say damn its dope as hell but it doesn't match my costume but it has a white gazebo my favorite colors(blush pink and champnge all flowers) they knew awwww.

I look at my assistant then say "Its beautiful" she speaks to her ear piece "costume change peice please to float one". She says "Your costume for the float will be here soon" I nod then say "Awesome so how will this work" she says "Well were gonna play different Disney songs throught the parade your able to improvise right".

I nod then say "yeah im capable" she says "also there's gonna be times where you can sit on the float as you can tell we went with a garden theme but when it stops we'll want you get off and you know improvise to the music stay bubbly". Then people come one hands me my costume cute its sparkly but nude sweet I slip it over my costume then unzip the one under and it just slips off.

Then they start touching up my making and hair and they pug my sash back on my asstant says "Now just sit on the float" I get helped on the float since it was somewhat tall. I facepalm myself when I see the stairs I sit on the gazebo she says "four minutes tilbit starts stay put".

As I'm sitting I see Ross run up to the side of my float he says "What's your favorite song of ours" I laugh then say "why don't you guys have your set ready". He says "Yeah but what were gonna sing for our princess so what does she request" I smile then say "I request smile" he nods then runs off. I'm so pumped for this parade to my surprise Minnie and Mickye mouse show up to my float and a gaurs tells me "They'll keep you company" could this get any better I hug Minnie and Mickey hard my childhood dream check.

******Matthews POV******

I woke up on the ground with all my clothes on even my shoes and the worst headache ever. I sat up and dug through my pockets for my phone. I couldn't find it so are start looking around me and moving blankets, but still nothing. I need to call Delilah, I needed to hear her sweat voice pronto so I grabbed Gilinsky's phone and dialed.

I called but she didn't answer. I called a few more times and still nothing. I started freaking out but remembered she was with Alejandra. I dialed Alejandra and after a few rings she answered, thank god.

C= Hello

M= Alejandra

C= that's my name

M= Please tell me Delilah's with you

C= Matthew

M = yeah its me don't be so loud

C= yeah I'm with Delilah

M= She wasn't answering her phone

C= She left it in our room we're watching a movie it's loud she probably couldn't hear it

M= Thank god make sure she eats breakfast

C= okay Matt geez calm down

M= can I talk to Delilah

C=Yeah hold on

She said and I waited patiently. I heard mumbles and then my princess's voice.

D= Hi

M= Baby?

D= Yeah it's me

M= you doing good

D= yeah just relaxing before all of my performances

M= have you aten breakfast

D= No me and Alejandra just ordered

M= okay good she's taking good care you

D= yeah did you sleep good last night you sound tired

M= yeah its just the boys slept over

D= so did you sleep at all

M= I did. Not the best but I did

D= I slept in your shirt

M= I know Alejandra sent me a picture *sigh* wish I could have woken up to that

D= Me too I was so cold

M= Two days and I'll keep you warm

D= yay

M= *chuckles* guess what.

D= what?

M= I'm moving into the pool house

D= baby are you serious I mean its nice and all but I thought we were going to Cali why move your things

M= I know I just thought I would sit it. It'd be more space so I could have burnie and Emily with me and sleep over a with the guys

D= I guess that sounds like a good idea then

M= have you told your parents about you know me and you in LA

D= No I don't know how to tell them have you told yours

M= yeah I told them I want you to come with me then they said that wasn't their decision

D= I want you to be with me when I ask my parents

M= I will I promise

D= good so how's it going with Sam

M= Okay he still thinks your cute the pictures of you in my room didn't help

D= *laughing* I'm yours his loss

M= *smiling* all mine

D= how are your parents

M= planning the service

D= When is it gonna be?

M= Tomorrow

D= What?!? What am I gonna do

M= stay over there

D= But-

M= But nothing you're staying

D= why are they planning so fast

M= That's how it has to be its just their bodies start to- I don't wanna talk about

D= Its okay you don't have too

M= I'm just ready for you to come home so we can fly to California I feel like my whole family needs a break

D= I have to go eat breakfast room service just got here

M= Okay call me when you get the chance

D= I will I promise I love you.

M= I love you too angel bye

I said and hung up, if Delilah knew what happened last night she would be ashamed. I needed to wake up the guys so we could bring all carp from my parent's house to here.

"Guys wake up, we need to pick up my shit," I said and threw a pillow at them. They groaned but still got up, they freshened up and came back out.

"Where's Sammy?" Johnson asked.

"Just leave him, he got booty last night plus he was fucked up, he needs time to recover," Gilinsky smirked.

"From who? He doesn't even know anyone here?" I asked confused, they shrugged their shoulders. "We don't have time for this, let's go," I said annoyed and had them follow me outside. We got in my car and drove to my house.

"Are you're parents home?" Johnson asked.

"No they're getting things ready for the service,"

"Oh man, I'm sorry,"

"It's fine let's just get my stuff and go,"

"Where's Shawn?"Gilinsky asked.

"His parents are out of town so he's watching Aaliyah. He's meeting us at the pool house and is going to help me settle in,"

"I'm sure that's not the only thing he watched," he smirked.

"Dude, shut up you know he would disrespect Alejandra like that," I said sternly and had them follow me upstairs. I started by wiping out my closet and drawers and filling boxes with my clothes. Then I filled a box with just shoes and threw anything else I might need in garbage bags. We took some stuff down and made a second trip before we left.

When I got to my pool house Shawn was already there waiting. He was leaning against his car smiling and looking at his phone. He was probably talking to Alejandra.

"Hey guys," he smiled when we got off and shook down with us. He helped us take stuff inside where we found Sam in a towel looking through the fridge.

"You have nothing to eat," he complained.

"Obviously, I never come here. I'm just moving in now," I said annoyed.

"Dude. Chill," he said.

"Sammy get dressed and help us bring stuff inside," Johnson demanded and he did so. We took the boxes into the room where I began unpacking and the Jacks went to bring the rest of the stuff inside. Shawn began helping me and putting things in the right places.

"I can't wait for the girls to come back," he said.

"I know, but it's only a few days,"

"True, but it sucks waking up to an empty bed,"

"I know the feeling,"

"Did you see what the girls slept in,"

"Yeah, their so adorable. They took a part of us with them,"

"Literally, that's my favorite flannel,"

"Same," I smiled and we both laughed. The Jacks and Sam walked in and helped us with the last things. We went to the living room to chill, and the Jacks left to go buy food leaving Sam, Shawn and I. I walked to the kitchen and saw my phone on the counter. "There's my phone,"

I grabbed it and began looking through some messages from Kristen and the other guys.  Then I saw some weird messages from and to Claire.

"Why would I send these to Claire?" I whispered to myself.

"You were talking to Claire?" Shawn asked.

"I guess, but I would never send this to her,"

"Let me see," he said and looked over my shoulder. "Dude how do you not remember this?"

"I, uh..."

"Dude I can't let you fuck up like this. I promised Alejandra that I wouldn't let you do anything stupid,"

"I know I just needed a distraction,"

"So you went to drugs and the school slut,"

"I know, I know. Just please don't tell Delilah,"

"Okay, but I got my eye on you,"


"Why do you even have here number?"

"Because she's sly and I know to ignore it if it's her,"

"Makes sense," he nodded and looked at his phone. "Hey I have a studio session. I'll stop by later, and no more stupid mistakes," he said and left. I looked at the messages still confused and Sam noticed. He came behind me and patted my back.

"When in doubt, bake it out," he said and handed me a blunt. One more time couldn't hurt, right?

******Delilah's POV******

I finished the parade and now me and Alejandra, Alejandra got us matching minnie hats she remember. We got in the room and automatically started getting ready running around with our curling irons and stuff. Alejandra was wearing a black dress burgundy necklace,clutch and she put her hair up. I wore a blush pink dress, tan shoes,gold necklace, gold earings, gold clutch. Alejandra did both of our make up cuz you know I don't know anything about this stuff. Once were done getting ready me and Alejandra make our way to the Be Our Quest Restaurant at The Magic Kingdom.

Alejandra and I walked through the doors of Be Our Guest in the Magic Kingdom and our jaws dropped. It was amazing, I felt as if I was in the actual movie.

"This is amazing," Alejandra said.

"I know, I feel like a little kid," I laughed.

"FaLa, over here," Rydel shouted and waved us over.

"Come on Alejandra, they're over there," I said and nearly dragged her out of excitement.

"Careful with the baby," Alejandra joked.

"Hey," Rydel smiled and gave me a hug.

"Oh Rydel, this is my best friend Alejandra,"

"Hey," she smiled again and hugged her. "I saved you two a seat, FaLa next to me and Alejandra in between FaLa and Ross,"

I smiled and Rocky pulled out my chair and Ross pulled out Alejandra's.

"Thank you," Alejandra and I said in sync as they pushed us in.

"Hey guys, these are my friends FaLa and Alejandra and FaLa you know Ross and Rocky," Rydel said and grabbed the boys attention. Rider and Ratliff begin waving like maniacs and giving us cheesy smiles. Alejandra and I meet eye contact and we couldn't help but laugh. We ordered drinks and a waiter brought them out soon after and took our order.

"Is out party ready to order?" a waiter dressed in a nice, royal blue suit that was definitely Beauty and the Beast theme.

"Yes," Rydel nodded.

"Excellent, our special tonight is mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, corn and your choice of chicken breast or steak. And for dessert French vanilla ice cream with a caramel filled French pastry,"

"Can we all settle for that?" Rydel asked and we all nodded. Everyone ordered steak except Alejandra and Ross and the waiter left.

"How long are you guys here?" Ratliff asked.

"Just a few days," I respond.

"By the way, you two look incredible," Rider adds and Alejandra and I begin to blush.

"Where are you guys from?" Rocky asked.

"Originally I'm from California but currently we are both from Virginia," I say trying to control my shaky voice from just blushing moments ago.

"So how did you feel about the parade?" Rydel asked.

"It was incredible, a one in a lifetime experience that I'll never forget," I smiled truthfully and before we could continue the waiter brought our food.

"So how long have you two been friends?" Ross asked as everyone began eating.

"About eight or nine months," Alejandra replied.

"Wow it seems as if you guys have known each other forever," Rider smiled.

"We're just really similar and clicked right away," I smiled and Alejandra nodded.

"So what's your favorite song of ours?" Ratliff asked.

"Dude we just met the girls,why?" Rocky asked.

"It's just a question," he laughed.

"It's okay, really. Honesty I really dig Smile," I smiled.

"Awesome and yours?" Ratliff asked Alejandra.

"I uhh..." Alejandra said caught off guard.

"Alejandra doesn't really dig into the music world, she has a musician of her own at home," I answered for her because I knew how she would get really anxious and it would ruin her night.

"You're a dating a musician?" Rydel asked.

"Uh yeah," she nodded.

"Anyone we might know?" Ross asked.

"Maybe you guys have heard of an upcoming artist with name of Shawn Mendes," I answered for her again, I saw the nervousness in her eyes and her extremely flushed cheeks.

"You're dating Shawn?" Rydel asked.

"Yeah we've been together for four years," Alejandra answered a bit more relaxed.

"Shawn as in the new upcoming artist that just joined Radio Disney?" Ross asked.

"Yeah that's my Shawn," she blushed.

"His vocals are amazing," Rydel smiled.

"Yeah, he's really talented. Now I feel horrible for no looking into your music," Alejandra said with a guilty look on her face.

"No don't worry about it, it's understandable you already have an awesome musician at home," Rider said.

"I'm in love with Teen Beach Movie though," she laughed.

"Aww thanks, that means a lot coming from an actual teen," Ross laughed. We continued great conversations the rest of the night and once we had finished dessert we were ready to leave. We all exchanged numbers and hugged before Alejandra and I went back to our hotel room.

We got back to out hotel room quickly changing into our pjams which was the same ones we wore yesterday. I called Matt acouple of times he didn't answer I sigh then call all the guys they either didn't answer or weren't with him. I layed as Alejandra was on the phone with Shawn I asked her "Is he with Matt" she she shook her head as in no then mouthed "he's having a late night at the studio". I nod cover myself with my phone by me and wait for his call I stayed up for two hours but he never answered so I eventually fell asleep.


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