Chapter 61

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Then I start crying harder and Alejandra hugs me and we are both crying in unison. I'm sorry I should be the one comforting you I said, she replied I feel like shit.

I'm sorry Alejandra that this had to happen to you but at least it was with a guys who was crazy in love with you that's rare to come by now a days I say you don't let him go hold on to him you guys had sex so what that should make you guys stronger I said, she replied I know it's just he don't get it I just lost something special to me.

Alejandra are you listening to yourself guess what Shawn just lost his virginity to you took his and he took yours that's was so whether special to him too and I'm sorry to say this but you made this a bad memory for him that was supposed to hi be special and now look where we are I said, I'm so stupid I didn't den think of that I hope he forgives me he's the love of my life I can't just not be with him she says.

I say it's okay it was all in the moment he loves you don't worry hell come back to you the universe wants you two together, she says I hope so I love him to much everything hurts right now FaLa everything.

I know how you feel but hey there is always hope I guess that everything will get better I say. Then my phone vibrates it's Shawn I'm gonna step out really quick okay I say and she nodes.

Phone call (Shawn=S Delilah=D)

S= Hi

D= Hey

S= Is she okay?

D= no

S= neither am I

D= why did you leave?

S= I didn't want her to see me cry

D= Ohh I'm sorry

S= Yeah didn't you hear was she was saying

D= Yeah she didn't mean it Shawn

S= How do you know that

D= She's here crying with me

S= I know Matts a wreck

D= Honestly fuck Matt

S= Yeah he told me it sounds bad

D= You don't know the half of it

S= You should talk to him

D= So he could yell at me more no thanks

S= No I accidentally

D= You accidentally what?

S= I punched him in the face out of angry


S= Yeah we're cool but he needs you to come and heal him

D= Honestly I'd love to but I don't wana see him

S= But

D= But nothing I'll talk to him later when are you gonna talk to Alejandra that's all I care about right now

S= I don't know when do you think I should go

D= Now Shawn that would be amazing

S= But she doesn't even uderstand why I left

D= Then tell me what your gonna tell her

S= okay I'll try

D= Start

S= WASTED is the worst word she could have used does she realize I lost my virginity that night to and it was special to me I remembered every touch everything FaLa she kept telling me that she was ready and not to be scared I kept saying are you sure then she would say yes I love you why would I lie

D= I'm sorry Shawn I don't know what to say

S= I'm not done

D= Okay

S=it wasn't drunken sex it ment the world to me I thought it would make us ten times stronger then we already were then this morning.......

D= Its okay Shawn keep talking

S= This morning when we woke up I kept trying to talk to her and all she was doing was yelling I kept telling her I love her but she didn't say it back she didn't say it back FaLa it broke me than I went on a rampage so I just left

D= Shawn I know this is coming from your heart since I hear the sadness in your voice now just one thing

S= What?

D= Come tell Alejandra I'm leaving now anyways so she'll be here alone

S= Okay bye I'll be there in thirty

D=Bye Shawn

S= Thanks for everything FaLa I love you bye

D= I love you too bye

I walked back in the room and I saw Alejandra laying on her bed staring at the ceiling with a blank expression. I asked her do you have matts mom's phone number, yeah why do you need it Alejandra said. I replied yeah I need to cancel some dinner plans we made, why Alejandra asked me.

Because I'm not ready to see him yet plus I'm canceling our plans with you and Shawn can I just have her number please. Alejandra showed me the number and I dialed it in my phone then pushed call.

(Delilah=D Matts Mom=M)

D= Hello Mrs.Espinosa

M= Hello this is.......

D= Ohh Um sorry it's Delilah

M= sweetie I'm so happy to hear your voice

D= Yeah Um I actually wanted to (she cut me off)

M= Sweetie I'm so excited to meet your parents this Sunday

D= That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about that

(Tears started swelling in my eyes)

M= Oh what is it sweetie spit it out

D= I have to cancel

M= Why is everything okay

D= Yeah everything is fine something just unexpectedly came up

M= WOW I was so excited to meet your parents and see that beautiful face of yours

D= Yeah I'm sad to but anyways that's what I wanted to tell you

M= Well I'm not happy about this maybe we can reschedule

D= Yeah of course

M= Well bye I'll see you later sweetheart

D= Bye I'll miss you

I said to Alejandra well Shawns gonna come over and you to are gonna talk and I'm gonna go home okay see you later I love you. Bye FaLa thanks for everything your always here when I need you. Then I walked out the door and headed towards my house.



Expect the Unexpected (Matthew Espinosa Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang