Chapter 3 - Sparks

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Thanks to everyone reading and commenting so far! Hope you enjoy this next chapter :)Becky xx

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Thanks to everyone reading and commenting so far! Hope you enjoy this next chapter :)
Becky xx


Chapter 3


The sun was hanging low in the sky as Keiko and a whole crowd of surfer boys splashed and screamed at the edge of the sea. She always kept a swimming costume in her bag whenever she came down to the beach and it looked like her organisational skills had come in handy this afternoon. Adam was already dragging her further into the water, pulling her up onto a spare surfboard.

It was odd to see her like this. Giggly and flirty. Usually she was far more self-contained than this, choosing her studies over fun with boys every day of the week. Maybe it was meant to be for my benefit. Or maybe she was just taking this one sliver of a moment between college and university to finally let her hair down and have a bit of fun. After all, her parents would no doubt be piling her with summer revision the second she got back home tonight. Why not splash around with cute boys while she had the chance?

I decided to leave her to it, keeping my distance on the sand a few feet away, watching the fun unfold rather than participating in it. Freddie was in the water too, auburn hair dripping and taut muscles glinting in the dimming light. I had to look away in case he caught me staring.

I wanted to be there, splashing along with them. I wanted it so much that I couldn't handle actually joining in. It was better to keep a wide berth. Safer.

Perhaps Keiko could sense my waning hesitance as she suddenly started waving over at me between failed surfing attempts. "Lennon, come over here! You're missing out."

I shook my head as I called back. "No, I'm good here."

"COME ONNNNNNN! You'll be way better than me on this stupid board."

I had no doubt that was true. She'd tried to stand up on it and fallen over about three times in a row now. But at least she looked cute doing it. I'd probably look like an idiot if I ended up plummeting into the water.

"I'd rather not risk the concussion, thanks, "I called back. "I'll just stay watching you guys."

Keiko took a breath, probably to nag me some more, but before she could say any more, Adam pushed her back into the lapping waves. She screamed, clinging to the surfboard like a flailing starfish. I couldn't help but smile a little. It was nice to see her enjoying herself so much, even if it was without me.

The sun felt hot against my back, seeping through my thin T-Shirt. I closed my eyes, savouring the warmth. I really didn't mind sitting here on the beach. It was actually my favourite place to be outside of my special grotto. And even though I'd rejected the surfing lesson, it definitely beat being stuck on Mum's stall. She'd raced back at the speed of light after our weird phone call, dismissing me and Keiko as soon as she appeared.

Whispers Beneath The Waves (Boy x Boy) [Shortlisted for The Wattys 2018!]Where stories live. Discover now