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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material.

No copyright infringement is intended.





Sexual Themes




1. This story is highly based and therefore takes place in (and after) the time of Avengers: Infinity War. I would recommend that you watch that (and all the other movies that should be watched before that) before reading this.

2. This book is made after I had watched the said movie, so expect a lot of spoilers for scenes that are legitimately in the movie. Though, this book will still have many differences if compared to the actual movie for it's plot.

3. I'm not a professional writer so expect (maybe a lot) spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Plus, english is not my first language.

4. This is the first book that I'm really willing to finish. If I do not finish this book in the future, then fuck myself. Also, I will probably be editing this after I finish the book.

5. The main female character in this story is my own character, but many of other characters in affiliation with her are real. You'll know her in a bit. ;)



It was the end, the time that they had been afraid of. With the help of some old friends, and some new, the heroes teamed up in order to stop the titan, Thanos, and his plan that is wiping out half of the universe.

Would they win over him? Or would they need help from someone that is, literally, out of their (human) world?


Hope you guys like this fanfiction!


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