01 : tell me his name again

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"Everybody knows that," Pepper said. She was listening carefully to his partner (in life) Tony Stark, and patiently watches every detail that his face makes as he talked.

"Right, that's the point I was trying to make," Tony said with his hands moving gracefully as he tried to explain about how he had dreamt of wanting to pee and waking up actually needing to pee. "Pepper, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid. So real. We named him after some uncle, uhh, what was the name? Morgan! Morgan."

Pepper raised her eyebrows and squinted slightly, "right, so you woke up and thought that we were..."

"Expecting?" Tony quickly replied.



"No," Pepper stated bluntly.

"I had a dream about it! It was so real!"

"If you wanted to have a kid, you wouldn't have done that," Pepper said, tapping the triangular arc reactor on Tony's chest. "You don't need that!"

"I know I just had a surgery, I'm just trying to protect us," Tony sighed and looked at Pepper seriously. He pulled her closer to him and continued, "the future us, and that's it. Just in case there are monsters in the closet, so you know..."

"Just make sure that there are monsters in the closet," Pepper replied, as she raised both of her arms up and resting it on Tony's chest.

Tony smiled, a little, and said "okay, but promise me, we're going to have dinner tonight, and no more surprises." Both of them leaned in and shared a sweet kiss, until someone unfamiliar arrived, unexpectedly.

"Tony Stark. I'm Doctor Steven Strange. I need you to come with me," a man, sporting a beard that looked a lot like Stark's, emerged from a portal surrounded by some sparks. Tony and Pepper immediately pulled out from the kiss as soon as they both heard his voice. "Oh and congratulations on the wedding, by the way," the stranger added. 

Both Tony and Pepper are surprised and confused, so instead of replying instantly, they just stared at the man.

"I'm sorry, are you giving out tickets or something?" Tony asked, taking a quick glance at Steven's appearance which consisted of a weird outfit and a red cape that seemed to move on it's own.

"We need your help, it's not ticket selling, but the fate of the universe is at stake," Steven replied with all the seriousness that he could manage to show.

Tony scrunched his eyebrows, "and who's we?" he questioned.

A familiar man that he knew very much, stepped out from where he was and is now in full view to the couple. He stared at Tony, with a look of both hurt and fright evident in his eyes. "Hey, Tony."

It's Bruce Banner.

"Bruce? What can I-" Tony started, but was cut off by Bruce hugging him. He glanced at Pepper, who's wearing the exact same expression that he has.

At that second, Tony knew that whatever the Steven Strange was talking about, is serious.

"The dawn of the universe, there was nothing," Wong started, as he moved his hand in the air which resulted these three-dimensional images moving mid-air. "Big bangs and six elemental crystals, hurdling across the virgin universe. These infinity stones control an essential aspect of existence: space, reality, power, soul, mind..."

ETERNALS ⚒ INFINITY WAROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora