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     Shiro smiles as the paladins rush up to their lions. "That was a great practice." "Practice what the heck?" Lance says putting his hands on his hips. Shiro laughs noticing his face mask. Keith puts a hand on his mouth to muffle his laughter. Pidge just rolls her eyes "This is dumb I'm going back to bed." "Wait one minute, that might have been practice but you must always be prepared for anything." Pidge glares at Shiro. "I'm going to train" Keith says walking back down the stairs. "Me too" Lance says following Keith.
     Keith walks into the training room followed by Lance. "Let's go mullet" Lance says picking up a sword. Keith rolls his eyes but a smile creeps onto his face. He grabs a sword of his own and faces off with Lance. Lance runs at Keith sword raised. Keith moves away effortlessly. Lance frowns and runs at him again only to miss. Keith smiles and runs at Lance. Lance pushes him down and leaps over him. "Eat that, mullet" Lance says. Keith runs at him again but Lance dodges. "Come on is that all you got?" Lance says push Keith to the ground. Keith blushes as Lance takes his hands. "When can we tell the team where together?" Lance whispers. Keith expression hardens "I don't want them to look at me differently." Lance kisses Keith on the cheek before helping him up. "Yeah, ok mullet" he says.
    The next day passes like any other for Keith. He starts his day by eating breakfast with hunk and  Pidge. After that he trains with Lance followed by a game of cards. Then he talks to Allura and Coran about the plan to save the galaxy. Day after day the same thing.
     "Training time mullet" Lance says grabbing Keith. "I don't feel like it" he replies. "What, oh come on you love training" Lance say hugging Keith. "Loved" Keith corrects. Lance frowns "fine, well then maybe we could play cards, or watch tv?" Keith frowns and pulls away from Lance. Lance just watches as Keith walks away.
     Keith walks into his room and plops onto his bed with a sigh. He pulls he legs to his chest and cuddles his pillow. Lance walks in behind him. He wraps his arms around Keith. Keith starts to cry softly. "Aww don't cry what's wrong?" Keith turns to face Lance and wraps his arms around him. "I love you Lance McLain" Keith says pressing his head into Lance's shirt. Lance puts his hand under Keith's chin lifting his head. Keith looks into Lance bright blue eyes. Lance kisses Keith softly "I love you too".
     "Where are Lance and Keith?" Shiro asks Allura. "I do not know, I haven't seen them since their training session yesterday." Hunk walks into the breakfast room of the castle with Pidge. "Have either of you seen Keith or Lance?" Shiro asks. "No, but I am sure there fine" Pidge says. "Your probably right but I still want to check on them" Shiro says. "Maybe their in their rooms" Allura says. "I will go see" Shiro says walking out of the room. First he goes to Lance's room only to find the door open and the room empty. Then he walks to Keith's room. The door in shut and locked. "Keith are you in there?" Shiro says knocking on the door. He waits a minute before knocking again "Keith, are you ok?" Shiro begins to worry when he again gets no reply. "Keith, I am coming in" he says pushing the door open until the lock breaks. Shiro stumbles back when he sees Lance and Keith cuddling. Lance lifts his head slowly. "Keith" he whispers "I think Shiro might know about us." Keith looks up at Lance. "W... wait how" Keith asks. Lance tilts his head towards Shiro. Keith turn to face the door. He turns dark red when he locks eyes with Shiro who looks very uncomfortable. "So, you two are a thing?" Shiro asks crossing his arms. "N..." Keith began but before he could finish Lance was kissing him. When Lance finally let Keith go he looked at Shiro and nodded. Shiro smiles "I'll tell the others you two are just hangout if you want to stay here." Keith smiles at Lance and they kiss again. "So yes?" Shiro asks. "Yeah" Keith says running his hand through Lance's hair. Shiro walks out the room closing the door behind him.

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