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     The next few days went fast. Keith and Lance spent more and more time together. They played video games, shared clothing, and even kissed during battles. They would hold hands and walk down the halls of the castle.
     "Hey Keithy, want to train with me?" Lance says holding his hand. "We haven't trained together in forever" Keith says "so sure." Keith follows Lance to the training room. "Lets go mullet" Lance says. Keith smiles "you always say that." Lance grabs two swords handing one to Keith. Lance swings at Keith but he easily dodges his sword. Keith's smile widens as he pins Lance to the floor. "I win" Lance says with a grin. "What but I pinned you?" Keith replies. "Yeah, but know I can do this" Lance says kisses Keith. Keith blushes and pulls away. "Lance, you really should work on your fighting skills your getting easier and easier to beat." Lance rolls his eyes "that's only because I'm going easy on you" he replies.
"Come on everyone to their lions" Shiro yells as the castle is attached. Lance runs up to Keith and kisses him "good luck babe." Keith smiles and kisses Lance back "you too." All the paladins get to their lions and takeoff into the dark starless sky. Pidge manages to sneak up on the enemy and disable their force field but her lion is knocked out of the sky by an enemy ship. "Pidge, come in Pidge" Hunk says in a panic. "I am ok but I have completely lost control of the green lion" Pidge says. "I am on my way" Hunk replies. Hunk and Shiro flys down to grabs the green lion. The enemy ship continues to fire at the blue and red lion. "Keith, I feel dizzy" Lance says. The ship shots aiming right at Lance. "Lance, no!" Keith screams as Lance's lion free falls spiraling down to the ground.
The enemy ships retreated once Shiro started to attack and Lance was rushed to the healing pod. "Keith, you can't stay by his pod forever" Coran says putting a hand on his shoulder. "I know, but I want to be here when he wakes up" Keith replies. Coran nods "I understand." Day after day Keith ate, trained and even slept by Lance's pod.
     "You will be ok I promise" Keith whispers placing his hand on the pod. Coran walks up to the pod followed by Allura and the other paladins. "Keith, Lance may never recover" Coran says. "What, but you said the pod could heal him. You said he would be ok. He can't die I love him!" Keith says In between sobs. Allura hugs Keith "I know this is hard on you." Keith pulls away and runs up to his room. "Keith" Shiro calls after him but Allura stops him. "Let him go" she says.
Keith runs into his room locking the door behind him. He lays on his bed clutching his pillow. Half expecting Lance to come and ask him why he is sad. He sobs more and more wishing for Lance's blue eyes and soft tan skin. He spent hours and hours crying each night. Pidge would walk into his room to check on him and Hunk would bring him food begging him to eat. No matter their attempts he spent most nights hungry and depressed.
Weeks pasted by slowly but Keith was recovering. "Keith, it's time to let Lance go" Shiro says walking to the pod with the others. Keith went to the pod and tapped on it letting it open. He looks at the boy he fell in love with and cries. He bows his head dropping to his knees. "I love you Lance McLain" he whispers. He looks up to find Lance's eyes looking at him. He gasps and gets up hugging Lance. "Lance, your alive?" He says as tears run down his face. "Uh, who are you?" Lance says.

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