What if I...... Part 1

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        Ever since that day onward, I decided to tell my best friend about it. About who I'm falling for and to discuss if it is reasonable for us.

       After school session is over, my best friend and I was walking home together. While we we're walking, I asked him if he can figure out who is my crush is.

           At first, I gave him some clues to see if he recognised. After that, I told him her characteristics to make it more vivid. But in the end, he can't guess it and give up.

          On the other hand, he also told me that he has a crush on someone too and asked me if I could guess it right. At first, I fail and keep guessing, but sooner and later, I finally got it right and he still hasn't found out about mine...  So embarrassing.

          He said I'm a great guesser and he need my help in ' love expertise ' to get that girl he like. I just told him that all my experiences doesn't seem to be helpful for him.  And he was so depressed. Then I just told him what to do first and take it easy.

          After 1 year from the event, I finally told my best friend about who my crush is. He was filled with eagerness until I speak out her name, and suddenly he burst to laughter. I was pretty annoyed with him because he said that I could pick a better girl than her. After that, I give him some reasons,  and he seem to agreed to whatever I'm saying.

          Then I asked him if he can help me get close to her just like I did the same to him. He said, you don't need my help, you just need to do whatever you told me to.

        I told him that I NEED him to be there with me so I couldn't be nervous all the time when I with her.

          Then, he told me maybe I could talks to her like I did with everybody else, and I thought to myself, yeah maybe I could do that.

           Even though I think like that, I still couldn't make it work even if I tried hundreds of times. It would've been a backfire for me because of my 'old primary school' reputation. Everyone knows whenever I like or love someone, they will reject me in silence until I give up or find other girls to love.

          But this time, I'm not going to search another partner in my life except her because she deserves the best relationship and I'll try to win her heart with all my might, no matter what is coming on my way.

          It will be a bit difficult at first because well you know, I just  realised it. But, I will still try as hard as I can to think of the best about our relationship.

         In my everyday life at school, she often walked pass by me whenever I was hanging out with my friends, and I would try to reach out for her, but I didn't have the courage for that, my friends usually comfort me everytime I failed to start a conversation with her.

           So I just watch her walked away just like that, while seeing her living her happy life... Even if I wasn't there in her life. I felt like I'm just letting go the opportunity that could leads to a better relationship.

          Suddenly, on my way home from school, my best friend just came up with some crazy ideas on how we could make it up. I was curious and asked him,  what kind of idea that could make up our day?

          He answered, by recreating the events and make a fictional stories with our imagination to make up our day. And my mind was like blown away as I agreed with him.

          From there, it was the best idea ever that we have thought of. We make up lots of stories such as alien invasion, zombies and even superheroes with the main character of, you know who.

            But something isn't right, I still feel like that something is missing. Maybe just making up fictional stories doesn't make up my day, probably it must be that the character in the stories doesn't feels the same as the one in my life right now....

There, I know even if the stories were super fun and awesome,  but I still need that missing piece and it was......

- HER -



What if.....[DISCONTINUED] (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now