What If I.... Part 2

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I don't get enough of the stories we made of... So I decided to take it even seriously, not like a child who make up it on stories and tell the others how great it was, but a contemplating which involves emotions.

So I tried to go back in the past where the incident happen, and try to see what other possibilities that can happen.

After many hours of 'wondering', I made up my mind and said, "What if I didn't sit on the side of the road?", while thinking how to continue the story, something just happen to be standing right beside me.

" Malik, what are you doing!?", said the teacher furiously,

" Oh it was nothing, sir" I replied as I tried to pretend I was doing the school work..

" Then finish up your work or else!!" Warned the teacher with a deadly look on his eyes.

And I just nod while doing my work..... but it doesn't mean I have to stop wondering about it, right?

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After the school session, all Form 3 or 9th grader will be having extra classes as a preparation for the big exam. It was located in the room on the third floor.

While I'm on my way, I saw her, again, and I remember the story that I recreated..... and I don't thinks that it wasn't the thing I wanted.

" If I never sit on the side of the road, I would be calling her name and become a douchebag all over again ", while looking at her, reflecting my action.

After that, I decided to tell my friend as he have the fate as me, to help me find a way to talk to her.

He said, " Maybe after extra class, you can ask her what do she understand, " said PJ (as if that isn't a real name)

" What would I ask that question, huh?, " I said, " Don't you have a even better idea than that? " I continue while hoping he would find something better for me to ask...

Then PJ said " Ha, why don't you ask her....."

" What, ask her what? " as I was really suspense about all of this.

" You ask her about hers result for the mid year exam. " he said, without thinking how eagerly I am was to ask her as a topic for us to talk about...

Then, when I was about to beat up PJ, one of my friends called me and said, "Hey, Malik,"

I said, " What is it? " while holding my pose to hit PJ.

" Nightstorm (Still not a real name) here want to see you, " he said.

" WHAT!? Seriously " as I was very not ready for this to happen as I was planning to do that so

Then, she came, closer and closer as my heart beats faster and faster as she took a step closer.

" Hi, " she said, with gentle voice.
" H-hh-h-i " I replied, stammered

" How was your result on this mid year exam, huh? " she said, as she already as close as friend
" Oh, ummm... I get... ummm.. " I speak with a very indecisive mind.

" How about you go first? " I asked, just to avoid getting lost in my head because there is a cute girl that I like standing in front if me, well exactly TALKING to me.

" Ok, but for the record, you still need to tell me yours, right? She said eagerly.

" Ok, I promise. " I said while nodding a bit.

" Well, I got number 63 in the Ranking, " she said excitedly.
" Woah! Really? That's cool. " I replied, as if she already close to me.

" Yeah I know, right? " she said.
" How about yours?  She continued.

" Oh, I got...ummm... number... " I couldn't even finish my word because I don't to be a shame in front of her.

" Hey, you promise, right? " she said as she really eagerly to know my result.
" Ok Ok, but you promise not to say something negative about it, promise? ". I replied, just in case she really wanted to make fun of me.

" Ok, I promise, " she agreed.
" Well, I didn't get that high..." I said slowly.

" Yeah, Ok, what number did you get for Ranking?, " she asked.

" I got number 86 for the Ranking... " I said with a little bit disappointment.

After that she just kept quiet...but her face show that she wasn't very disappointed. Suddenly...

" Yeah, I have beaten you in the Ranking, " with a very cheerful face.

" What? " I said in my head while wondering why she so happy about it and not disappointed.

Then, she said " Hey, its Ok, we can perform better I. The next exam, " she said that as a encouragement for me to keep up my game.

" Maybe in the next exam, you can beat me, " she challenged me friendly.

" Ok, maybe I need to study smart as I can beat you, " I replied while accepting her challenge.

Then, she just left. Leaving me thinking about what am I going to do next...

I thinks... she had a feeling on me too???

What if.....[DISCONTINUED] (Wattys 2018)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora