What if I..... Final Part

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Because of so many things have happen and all of the thing in my head are getting wild and out of control.

All of the things I thinks are          " What If I..... ". There so many possibility and I wants to let one out as a stress reliever.

WHAT IF I never met her on the side of the road.

All of the possible outcome are many but I only tells you some of that really change it all.
So let's Begin

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If I never sit and ties my shoelaces there and leave it, maybe I would most likely to be the worst jerk ever, even worst than the bullies. It was because of my reputation and if I never met her, maybe I would still be calling her name, I wouldn't found my best friend, and also I never got a chance to publish any of this on Wattpad.

This is the truth about me because she is the one who opened up my heart, it was her who make me do all of these stuff, and I'm glad for it......

But even though I know that this love story isn't going anywhere, I still wants it to be the last love. I owned her a lot, and I never noticed that.

That's enough of me! Lets talk about the story.

I have this kind of thought that keeps ringing in my head since like, the last two years.

And now, I'm going to let them all out. Probably...

So what if I didn't sit on the side of the road, maybe it will just be the same old days.

Nah, I'm just kidding. Lets get real now.

So I thought that maybe I wouldn't be able find out my true lover( or crush ) and best friend yet, I still tease Nightstorm and become the jerk I always was to her.

Furthermore, maybe I would be having a girlfriend right now and my best friend wouldn't be @PJShady because he the one who triggered me to keeps my grip in Nightstorm as she is really the one I been searching for even though our relationship didn't works out as I expected.

She would find someone else that's better than me. Maybe such a loyal one.

And also, I thought that maybe I could've got into a fight with him too, well for the fact that he is LOYAL.

But, I thought if that happen, I would be the evil genius (not to brag) and the most feared bully in the school and probably the troubled one.

A/N : I'm sorry if this part doesn't tell you the What If I..... very precisely...
I try to get there as fast as I can, so please be patience. Thank you!

-What If I never met her at all?-

I met with Nightstorm like since primary school and then continue on until now. But what if I never did?

I thinks that I would be the most pathetic little boy who still searching for a girlfriend and still have a lot of ex-crushes....

And she would lived a happy life without me disturbing her all the time. I think she would be peaceful to learn in the school and even get the best education too.

But, that would leave me feels something empty, like a hollow on my heart and I can't figured it out without knowing what I'm after for. It just like all the happiness I gain doesn't even really make me to feel in that way.

Moreover, my best friend, who have a little bit connection with Nightstorm, maybe will be the same but only we didn't hang out a lot and yet, the stories that had been made by us will just be a fantasy and fade away.

Now, for the one and only thing I hope I can do during primary school, the only thing that will change it all....

-What If I fall in love at first sight?-

This is the one I really wants to talk about, the one that really matter to me in the past and I just wish I can turn the clock back in time to do so.

If I didn't 'pull her leg' on the first day she was transferred here in my school, and I treated her nicely, maybe I could feels some sensational feeling which maybe known as 'LOVE'.

Maybe I would be her best 'boy' friend in the school even though I am a lazy bum and came in late to the class. She would still support me through good and bad time. And I would do the same too.

After a few month, we became closer and closer until we felt like confessing our feeling to each others, which will begins our romance scenes.

We can be like the happiest couple ever and we both decided to try and improves our flaws.

All of this could've happen if and only if, I treated her nicely from the beginning of our meeting.

" Well, that's only what if I so all of that and the consequences for my action " I thought to myself.

Then suddenly its struck me, I realized that maybe it wasn't my action that changes, maybe others' action would be count too....

" Wait... then if this wasn't my action that changed it, then how about hers action? What if She.......? " I speak out my words, as I was clueless.



What if.....[DISCONTINUED] (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now