What if I... Part 3

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" Does Nightstorm have a feeling on me!!? " I whispered silently while trying to figure out what is happening here.

" No no no, that can't be true... she always keep staying away from me, so how come she can ' like ' me? " I questioned myself.

" Hey, listen to what the teachers say, you might get in trouble if you keep space out all the time, " said PJ, while jotting down some note.

" Hey PJ, '' I called,
'' Yeah, what? '' PJ replied,
" Do you think that, Nightstorm have a feeling on me? " I asked,
" Of course man! 😁, " he said with full of confidence,
" Just like the stories we used to make, they are so dope! " said PJ reminded me about the story that I want to recreate.

" The stories we made, huh? " I said it as I forgot to continue the story that I have planned.

Then, I glances at Nightstorm, as she was very soft and lovely. Suddenly, she just glances back at me with a little smile...

My heart was beating fast as I look away from looking at her, " I wish she didn't notice me " I whispered even though I know she already saw what I did.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

( After extra class )

" Hey PJ, I thinks I should ask her if she want to walk with me, besides, our house is just close by and it wouldn't be a problem, right? " I suggested.

" What a good plan you have! " said PJ.
" Yeah, I know right? " I agreed.

* On our way to the path we usually took to go home *

" Hey, isn't that Nightstorm? " questioned PJ.
" What? Where? " I ask.

" Over there. " while pointing his finger towards her.
" Oh yeah, but why is she all alone. Is she waiting for somebody? " I questioned myself.

" Dunno but maybe you should ask her to walk home together " suggest PJ.

" What!? Are you crazy!? " I shouted.
" This isn't the right time you now? " I continued.

" Ok ok you don't need to shout, I'm just suggesting, " said PJ.

" But I guess you got some point, maybe I should at least talk to her? " I said while thinking a conversation to have with her.

" How about you ask about that lesson we had just now? That's a really good one. " said PJ.

" Ok let me try it, " I said, with some nervous and brave feeling.

" Ok I will see you at the usually place, Ok? " PJ said as he leave.

" Ok " while giving a signal with my hand.

" Ok, Malik, this is your chance to finally start a conversation with her, " thought myself while approaching her.

" Hey, Nightstorm, " I greet her.

" Oh, hey Malik. Why are you still here? " replied Nightstorm.

" Well I was just wanted to...err to... "
" You wanted to what? " continued Nightstorm as she eager to know.

" I wanted to... Hah! I was just waiting for my friend. Yeah, that's it..." I said spontaneously.

" Ooooh, is that it? " she questioned.
" Who are you waiting for? " she continued.

What if.....[DISCONTINUED] (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now