Chapter 5

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Nick POV

I was sleeping peacefully until I was woken up by a call around 3 : 30 a.m. I wondered who on earth would be calling around this time. Everyone in the house was sleeping, like who calls at this time.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey, Nick I'm sorry for waking you up at this time I know you was sleeping but I just couldn't sleep. I don't know what's wrong with me and I need someone to talk to, are you willing?" The lady on the phone said, I wasn't sure who's voice it was because I was very tired though it sounded familiar.

"Okay, I'm sorry who's this?" I asked curiously

"It's Hannah," She stated clearly angry because her tone of voice changed.

"Oh I'm sorry I couldn't even open my eyes and see who it was, I'm so sorry okay..but anyways wassup?" I asked tryna ease the tension.

"Oh it's okay. Well I couldn't sleep and I need someone to keep me company" I was now losing my sleep bit by bit.

"Oh, what do you wanna talk bout Ms Baker?" I asked

"Well, I was wondering you might have something in mind..." she said. Girl you the one who called nah me.

"Oh, nah I got nothing well wait, I wanted to ask if didn't mind lending me one of your T-shirts because you smell incredible."  I could hear smiling on the phone, well don't ask her how, but if you know someone very much you can tell when they do some things that people are not familiar with.

"Well first Thanks Mr Curry, I mean you not bad yourself and second Yeah I definitely wouldn't mind, besides I'll give you your jersey when I get my shirt back" she said. I was the one blushing now.

"I try yunno. That is a good idea Ms Baker. Are you ready for the day?" I asked her tryna keep the conversation going because I didn't even know what to talk about. I just woke up.

"Nah, I'm sure I'll be sleeping all day..." Her voice went lower and lower and I figured she was falling asleep.

"Yeah sure you will. Goodnight sweetheart" She didn't reply. I figured she was sleeping."Sleep tight, Sweet dreams, dream about me and remember Nick loves you." I said then hanged up and luckily I had a bit of sleep in me, I then put my phone on the charger because the battery was flat and within 5 mins, I was deep into sleep.

6 Hours later

I was wide awake because I couldn't believe what I just dreamt about. On my way to the toilet, I went to go brush my teeth but I came across something...You gotta be kidding me!!! One wet dream and my boxers are already wet, sometimes I hate being a teenager. I then took a quick shower (45 mins) changed into new a boxer and this time, I decided to wear my lucky boxers, which are the blue ones with white stripes and I'm always lucky when I wear them boxers. I wore my blue jeans, put on one of the SC sneakers who were my dads' and a plain white T-shirt. I told my parents I'll be out until 6 pm then maybe they'll see them tomorrow because "I'll doing a school project with my friend, Clay." They didn't mind, cool. Kyrie and Tiffany were still sleeping, how weird.

I took my dads car and went to Hannah's house to check on her. I was jamming to Tupac on my way to her house but as I got there, I decreased the volume and parked my car outside her yard. Before I even got to the door, she came out running my heart raced quickly only to find she missed me. Really? We didn't say each other for like, 15 Hours. She jumped right into my arms and I caught her perfectly like always. She then put her head on my chest as if she was sobbing. I asked her to look at me, and she did, immediately I got lost in those piercing light brown eyes deeply then I imagined.

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