Chapter 17

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"Where is Hannah?" Kyire asked coming into the house from the arena to practice. "She's at home, why you asking?" It was weird of him to ask because he never asks about Hannah, at all. "She's not safe," He warily replied. "What do you mean 'she's not safe', are you a psychic now?" I rhetorically replied.

"Let's go, I'll tell you on the way," He responded. "Okay..." I didn't know if he was being serious or joking but I started to get worried. We got to the car and headed to Hannah's house, "I'm listening..." I reminded Kyire that I needed to know about why he asked about Hannah's safety as we were leaving.

"Well I got a phone call after I was done training and it was from an unknown number, that guy on the phone said he's out. I couldn't tell who's voice it was but after 2-3 mins of thinking, I figured it was Justin. He's out for you and Hannah."

He explained and I immediately lost my temper, the same guy who tried to vitiate my girl is out to get her again, I don't get how he was released so quickily it's not even a year it's been only 7 months.

"What the fuck?" I shouted up to the rooftop. "Yeah bro, calm down it's gonna be okay." Kyire tried to calm me but a soft little talk won't do it. "Calm down? Hell no! A stupid rapist is out of prison to get my fuckin Princess and you here telling me to calm the fuck down?" I honesty had to calm down cause if I didn't concentrate on the road, I was going to get us both killed.

"Well...he didn't directly say he was going to get Hannah but I'm just assuming he is because she's the reason he went to prison and fucked too bro, don't get infuriated." He kept talking shit and I couldn't help but ignore it.

"She's the reason? Hell nah!! He did that to himself and had to face the consequences and with all due respect bro, you don't know anything about what the hell happend that night and so shut the fuck up and fuck off" I harshly snapped on my own flesh and blood.

Kyrie was clearly scared cause he had never seen me in this state ever in his life. I'm also shocked about how I changed and snapped on the only person that's not ever left my side but been there for me through everything, "Okay I'm sorry man, geez..." I felt bad about what I've just done. "I'm sorry man, I just need to think right now okay?"

"Cool, I just hope you'll be fine. You don't look to good and I've never seen you like this before." He honestly replied. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

Before I knew it we were already at Hannah's house, she was screaming out my name and it made me mad cause she also cried out for help just like she was on that night of the party.

I ran to the front door and barged in, and found Justin stabbing Hannah on her chest and it was as if I was the one being stabbed because I could feel the pain in my chest, I ran to where he was but I couldn't get to them, there was something blocking me. I watched as he stabbed my Princess to death.

I kept hitting on the glass that was preventing me from passing through while sobbing "No!!" I watched as she reached out for help but I wasn't strong enough to help her. I let all the hate and pain in my heart out I couldn't stop crying.


"Ay man, don't do this to me!! Nick? Get the hell up man, You can't leave so soon!!! Nick!!" When I opened my eyes and everything was all bluring as I slightly cleared my sight and found Kyrie crying on the side of my bed, wait did he think I was dead?

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