Chapter 14

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After my special session with Nick, I asked him to walk with me downstairs, he agreed. He put on his own clothes and I did the same. We were done and he was ready to take me home, "Are you sure you wanna go home, Jess?" He inquired in the middle of the awkward silence. "Well I don't know, I just don't feel like myself." I replied truthfully.

He looked at me as if he wanted to say something, but he just sighed heavily and looked away. "What? What is it?" I asked since I knew he wouldn't bring it up, "Nothing," he said with a smirk across his cute light skin face. "Okay, I have a question for you..." I had to mention this because I wanted to know where I stand.

"O-kay, wassup Jess girl?" I swear when he calls me that, I melt even if I hear him saying it for the first time, "Well, after this where do we stand? Like I really really like you Nick and I mean, you the only boy I'm very kind to at school and-" He instantly cut me off while I speaking by pressing his lips towards mine passionately, making me crave for him even more.

"I'll explain everything on the way," he replied and literally spanked my ass. I swear I should be offended but this boy is different in so many ways. "Actually on second thoughts, I decided I'll stay. I don't feel too good..." I swear I wasn't lying but in true senses, I didn't feel like myself.

"I know, lay on the bed and be comfortable while I go look for new sheets and I'll bring you something to drink, aight?" He politely offered his gestures. "Well I'd love that Mr Curry," After my response, there was a sudden change on his face. I couldn't tell what it was but since I was in a bad mood, I let it go.

He gave me a fake smile, and turned his back to indicate he was leaving and uncontrollably or unexpectedly I blurted out, "Nick!" He turned and looked at me, full of curiosity in his eyes just so I can say, "Thank you for everything." He literally blushed, like his cheeks turned red, "I'll be right back." He said and I swear he was in a hurry.

I didn't know what to do, so I decided to look through my phone and see I have any unread messages, and I was right but 103 text messages from Hannah Baker wasn't my anticipation. I felt sick even more when I saw her name. I ignored all her messages and just sent a new one my mother to let her know I won't be coming home Tonight.

I know she would ask why but this time was not the right time.


After she called me 'Mr Curry' it sounded slightly like the way Hannah made it sound. I wasn't sure what to say but instead I just gave her the best smile I could in an awkward position. She can't be my girl, no way. Plus I'm also not a fuckboy, I don't go breaking girl's hearts. I'm better than that.

First I don't feel good about myself and second I don't think I'll ever be in a relationship again after what just happend. I mean majority of the guys at school know Jessica is a fine lady who despises sex but loves boys. Now if they find she ain't no virgin no more, she'll be getting dick everyday.

I don't mind being in relationship but just not now, and not with someone like Jess. I don't want her to think that I used her because I didn't, well maybe just a little for her to keep my mind of my situation but who the fuck, fucks his girlfriend's bestfriend after catching the girlfriend cuddling with the boy's enemy?

Only I do, because I'm a loser.

I went downstairs, past through the crowd and safely got to the store room with not even a single person disturbing me. I got new bed sheets and decided that I'll burn this ones. After I got what I needed, I made my way to my room.

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