Chapter 19 II

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As I watched Hannah leave the forest with my Kyrie, I got more angry. I was standing above Justin and his eyes were full of fear and grief, he saw the rage in me which made him more scared.

While Clay had his time beating Harry really bad, Edward just stood and watched, on the other hand I started to get very furious. I kept beating Justin up as if he were my pillow, he was very soft. I was filled with anger, hatred and pain.

I kept beating his Justin up to the point where I didn't wanna stop until Clay and Kyrie pulled me up because I was getting out of control. I stood over him, breathing deeply. "If you fuckin' touch my girl again, I will kill you! Dick face!" I shouted at Justin while he sat there on the ground with a bruised face...quietly.

"Is Hannah okay? Is she in the car?" I had to make sure she was okay. "Yeah she's okay I guess, and yeah she's in the car, but you have to keep it together man, she can't see you like this." Kyrie was right. I had to chill out for a minute.

Harry was knocked out but Justin - something was up with him.
His face was slowly becoming pale. WTF is going on right now?

"Yo' what the fuck's up with Justin, why is his face changing like that?" I tried to chill out but I couldn't cause my emotions just switched from anger to frustration.

"Let me check what's up with him," Edward replied as he was checking up on Justin. He felt his cheek with the back side of his hand and it was cold, felt his forehead, it was cold too. "Is he okay?" I inquired.

"Might be, because he's knocked out...I think, wait let me check something" Before we could be sure he was okay, there was one last thing to confirm that he's alive. Edward put his index finger under Justin's nostrils and...

"Fuck!" He jumped up, looked at us with a surprising look on his face, looked back at Justin's body and said, "He's fuckin' dead!" When he said that, I immediately froze. My head went blank for a coupla seconds. I am fucked. "Shit!!" Clay started to freak out.

Yeah I have to admit, Justin deserved a beating but death is not what I wanted on him. "Are you sure? Just check again man." I was totally freaking out to the point where in my head, death was not a real thing. Edward checked him again and it was unfortunate.

My mind was playing tricks on me and that's when it hit me that we are scron my head. I gazed at all of them with my hands on top of my head. The looks on their faces were not good.

"Holy shit! I hate being a teen!" Clay was losing it there, I have to admit. "Ey, remember we are brothers. We stick together. So don't beat yourself up too much, we got this."

"Yeah he's right, we'll get through this mess together." Kyrie was helping out. This when I start to think like a killer. There was only one thing to do but I don't think they would like it, "We need to get fuel and a lighter..." I know what I'm doing, well I've never done it before but I know what I'm doing.

"What for?" Edward inquired but before I could answer him, he already figured it out. "No! There's no way we are going to burn him." I had to let him see the bigger picture of what will happen if we don't.

I walked up to him while he stood next to the body, "Listen to me and listen carefully, if we don't burn him, the FBI is gonna find Justin's body somewhere somehow, take it to their laboratory, examine it thoroughly which will lead them to finding both my finger prints along with Edwards' on his dead body and..." before I could finish Clay interrupted me.

"And will be the reason you go to prison for the murder of a 17 year old boy who had a family." Thank you. "There he said it..." Edward was not too sure about this. "But I can't be going to jail bro," That feeling when you know you didn't do anything wrong yet you feel guilty. "You won't if you do as I suggested." I said.

"Now are we gonna do this or what?" Time was against us. "Yes but we must hurry." Edward replied.

"If we hurry, one of us might do a stupid mistake then we all end up in deep trouble just for that stupid mistake," They all nodded okay.

"Now I don't wanna sound all bossy or shit like that but I need Kyrie to go get an empty 5 litre bottle to pour fuel you'll get from the fuel station and wear a glove when you buy the lighter. Clay and Edward please help me pick the body up and take it somewhere we can't burn the trees too." I instructed everyone cause I felt like I have more experience than them when I don't.

"Cool." Kyrie said. "Wait, uhmm please take Hannah back to school cause I don't want her involved in any of this." I added. "Yeah sure, no problem and be quick. Check Harry he's about to wake up, if he does, knock him out again but don't kill him." He said. "Aight cool, hurry up too bro."

While Kyrie went to go do what I asked him, the gents and I picked up Justin and we took him deep inside the forest. Real talk: we didn't care anymore if the whole forest was gonna burn, as along as this motherfucker is burned with it.

Out of the blue Clay pulls one of his weird stunts as we carrying the body, "Do you guys think he's in Heaven?" After he said that, I dropped the body and looked at him.

"Wow bro, like wow, who does that? The nigga just died and we are literally moving his dead body that we are 'bout to burn when Kyrie gets back. You too weird man" I said. "You too weird bro." Edward also replied. Honestly.

"My bad, I was just tryna ease the tension." He apologized for his weirdness. We forgave him. "It's cool man but real talk, don't be saying shit like that when you hear I'm cussing all over the place."

Kyrie finally came back, he had a lighter on his right hand and a bottle of fuel on his left hand.

"Sorry I took long I had to take care of Tiffy, she wanted to come with me." Kyrie explained for his late coming. "It's cool, let's just get this over with." I took the lighter from his hand, while Clay poured fuel on Justin. "You niggas ready to do this?" It was time. "Yeah!"

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