Chapter One-A bad Start

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(Bakugo's P.O.V)
I got some news from Sero and Denki today... And I can't even contain myself!
I was told that Kirishima. THE RED RIOT, is going to confess to me today... *insert girly screaming here*
I sit at the front of the school, so I can walk home with that shitty haired dork... God I'm so gay for him...
As I wait, a girl I don't recognize walks up to me.
"Hey there cutie..." She coos in my ear.
"Back off, Fuckmuffin!" I yell at this slut. She isn't fazed. She just... giggles.
"I will blow your head off if you don't leave me alone, asswipe." I threaten. I don't need a whore to ruin the perfect day.
I can see that adorable little ray of shitty-haired sunshine walk over to my location... with flowers!
But before I could say anything, the mystery bitch slams her lips into mine.
"B-Baku... Oh my God... I cant believe I was so stupid!" Kirishima drops the flowers and runs off, crying.

I slap the bitch across the face; causing her to back off, as she is dazed, I run after Kirishima.
"CALL ME, SENPAI~!" She yells after me.
I ignore her, and keep on running after him. He is a LOT faster than I remember...
I feel so bad... the way I've treated him for so long... the way I ruined his confession to me... curse my tsundere ways! Ugh!
After some more running, I've lost sight of the poor guy...
Maybe I should give up for now and give him some space.
I walk back to where I came from, to see the flowers he dropped when he ran... He got me Tiger lilies... That asshole is too good for me. I see a note attached to the flowers...
"I know this seems stupid and not manly at all... but I am hella gay for you, bro...I love you! Please don't blow my face off, if you are reading this Baku-Bro... -Kirishima"
This makes my heart ACHE.
I take the flowers and the note and start walking home. And on the way, I run into Sero.
"So, how'd it go, Casanova?" He asks me.
He knows what's good for him, and he walks away.
After walking home, I flop onto my bed. How will I win him back...? God, Help me...

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