Chapter Two- Heartbroken

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(Kirishima's P.O.V.)
How stupid can I get? I should have known he was straight as an arrow... I shouldn't have done anything...
(Flashbacks to Valentine's/White Day)
"Hah! You really think that I have the time for a relationship, Idiot? All I have time for is school, and myself!" Bakugo sneers as he crushes a girl's box of chocolates, and her dreams of romance.
She ran off crying... poor thing.
I decide maybe it's not the best idea to confess to Bakugo about my feelings for him...
I stuff the love letter that I wrote for him deeper into my pocket, trying my best to hide my sorrows.
"Heheh, such a loser. Right, Kiri?" Bakugo asks.
"Heh... yeah." I responded...
(Flashback Ends)
I walk home, to see Denki down the street. I instantly try to hide the puffiness of my eyes, so he can't tell I have been crying.
"Oh hey Kiri! You don't look like you've been blasted... so did things go well...?" He asks me.
"I chose not to do it... I know that isn't manly... but I don't want to loose a close friend. Heh." I laugh nervously.
"Eijiro... I can tell your lying." He sighs.
"Fine. Maybe I saw him... kissing a girl... maybe I ran! So what?! IT'S NOT LIKE HE WILL EVER LOVE ME. Confessing to him would be a death-sentence." I yell, trying to fight back tears.
"Wait... what? Bakugo isn't even straight! He's as gay as a god damn rainbow, bro!" He yells.
"Denki, my eyes don't lie to me bro. I know what I saw..." I start fighting tears, but suffer defeat.
"Go home. Sero and I will come over later with ice cream and chick flicks. Ok?" He smiles a little.
"Ok..." I'm so glad I have friends like him.
"One more thing!" I say.
I pull him into a tight bro-hug.
"Hah, thanks. Now go home. I need to get the heart break ice cream." He tells me.
I do as instructed, and wave good-bye. the second I get home, I flop onto my bed and cry a little. I know it isn't manly, but, it's hard to be manly under these circumstances.
About half an hour passes, Denki, Sero, Mina, and Midoriya arrive at my doorstep, with ice cream and movies, and I get swarmed into a big group hug.
"Guys... I'll be fine."
"It's a Friday anyways. What's the harm?" Midorya says.
"Fine... just please don't tell anyone that we are doing this..." I ask them.
"But Todoroki is coming with Disney Movies soon..." Midorya says.
"Fine, you lucky gay bastard..." I murmur.
Deku just laughs a little. I wish I got as lucky as he did.
(yes, I added Todoiideku Fight me.)

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