Chapter Five- Dinner... and Dessert?

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(Kirishima's P.O.V)
"Is there any way I can help with the food?" I ask.
"No. You will fuck it up." Katsuki says to me.
Fair enough I guess.
"Ok. Love you!" I continue to smile, and I noticed that my words brought a smile to that hot headed, handsome, person I call a friend. Maybe even more now...
I hug him from behind and kiss him on the cheek.
"Kiri, If you're gonna kiss me, do it right." Bakugo tells me.
He turns and faces me, and softly kisses me. Before I can react, he pulls away.
How is he such a good kisser? That's a question without an answer.

-Small Time Skip-

Bakugo serves up the curry, and man does that smell good. We sit right next to each other.
"Eat up. I made it just for you." My boyfriend barks at me.
"Ok!" I take a bite...
I try to remain calm, because flipping out wouldn't be manly.
I get up and get a cup of water, and gulp it down.
"To hot for you?" He smirks, as he puts chili powder into his food.
"I don't really eat spicy food that much." I claim, as I take another bite cautiously. I smile at him.
"It's really good though!" I tell him.
"Heh, tell me something I don't know, Eijiro." He grins at me.
"Ok, Katsuki." I smile ear to ear.
"Did you just...?"
"Yes I did." I give him a light kiss on the lips.
He starts to blush.
"Alright then..." He murmurs.
I never thought that Bakugo would have ever liked me in general. But here we are, right now...
I manage to finish the last of my dinner, and I take the bowl to the sink.
"Ready for some dessert~?" He coos.
"UMM... WHAT?" I fretted.
"You know what I mean..." Bakugo smirks.
"Some ice cream. I saw that you had some while trying to find something to make for dinner." He snickers.
"I got you, didn't I?" The douche bag laughs at his dirty prank.
I sigh in relief. Even though... I wouldn't mind either way... *lenny face*
"You got me bro." I laugh with him.
"But, seriously, want to share some ice cream?"
I kinda am sick of ice cream from what happened before Katsuki came, but if it means I get to be with him, I'll do it.
He smiles a little and he grasps the ice cream and two spoons, as I find a good channel on the T.V.
After we get everything ready, we cuddle up on the couch, watching anime while eating Ice cream.

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