Chapter Eight- Spotted

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(Bakugo's POV)
As both of us walk out the door, I decide to hold his hand. His quirk accidentally manifests, because I startled him a little. I look at his face, and he's blushing a little.
"Stop being cute. We are in public." I say.
"Speak for yourself." Kirishima countered.
I hide my face in my free hand. I can't handle this crap.
"Babe no, don't hide your adorable face!" He pouts.
I let go of his hand, and use it to completely hind my face.
"Shut the fuck up shitty hair, someone might hear you!" I growl, but it's kinda muffled.
"Fine. Be like that." He continues to fake-pout, as if he were offended.
After a minute or two, I go back to my usual, pissed-off state, as if nothing happened. Yet, my hand automatically finds it's way to Kirishima's...
I see a dorky, shark-toothed grin spread across my Eijiro's face.

My Eijiro...

We then enter the local Starbucks.
"What do you want?" Kiri asks.
"An Iced Coffee would work." I say.
"Any cream or sugar?"
"Nah, black is good."
"Ok! Love you!" He smiles, and orders for us.
As I wait, I see that stupid Deku and the half and half Bastard across the establishment.
I don't want to be seen with Kiri... not yet at least...
Kirishima comes back with the beverages, and I instantly take mine, and start walking out.
"What's the matter?!" He asks me.
"The 2 fuckwads are here!" I answer.
"Oh... so you don't want to be caught with me..? Is it something I did?! Are you embarrassed to be with me?!" He frets.
"That's not what I mean, Kiri! I am just not ready to be... ya know... public yet." I reassure him.
"Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overreact..." Kiri apologizes.
"Oh, hey Kirishima!!" Deku calls out.
He grabs Todoroki's hand and starks walking over to us.
He didn't notice me yet.
"Oh hey!" Kiri chirps.
"I suggest you leave, unless you wanna deal with them." He whispers.
"Ok, bye. Love you." I smile a little, and walk outside, where I wait for Ejijro.

<huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue cliffhangers. I know I am a bitch.>

Thick Skin-A bakushima fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora