Bolton? ch.2

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At the party———
Troy: having a good time?

Gabriella: oh course, I'm with you.

It was 11:56pm

Troy: I promised chad I would do this before the new year,

He brought me outside.

Gabriella: do what?

He got down on one knee. No.

Troy: Gabriella Montez, will you be my mrs. Bolton?

I started crying, and Troy got up and wiped the tears off my cheeks.

Gabriella: YES! in every language. I love you.

Troy: I love you too.

Gabriella: hey look!

Troy: what?

Gabriella: you and chads bet or whatever? You win, we're engaged and it's the new year.

Troy: yep.

He looked into my eyes, and then we kissed. In between our kids, Troy whispered, "You're my everything"

1:34 am — — —

Troy was getting a little tipsy.

Gabriella: hey baby, wanna go back to our room?

Troy: of like courses!

Gabriella: let's go then!

Troy: ok.


Troy: wanna be a mama?

Gabriella: not tonight Troy.

Troy: not even cuddles?

Gabriella: cuddles, of course.

Troy hit the pillow and didn't even finish his sentence.

Troy: I love you and I have a fian...

He was out cold.

Gabriella: I love you too baby.

I put the covers over him, went next to him, and turned out the lights.

Troyella: What about me? Where stories live. Discover now