Driven ch.3

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That morning ———
Gabriella: wake up Troy!

Troy: ugh gab I have a pounding head ache

Gabriella: want some Advil?

Troy: yahhhh.

I filled a cup of water and then brought Troy two pills and he water.

Troy: thanks baby.

Gabriella: ur welcome.

Troy: we have to leave today...

Gabriella: ah, it's fine. We get a whole car ride together!

Troy: when's your break over?

Gabriella: Monday, sucks right.

Troy: I know. But it's Thursday, we got time.

Gabriella: yah, but it's all to fast

Troy: I know, we're already almost 25.

Then, someone knocked on our hotel room door.

Room service: mr. Bolton? Your breakfast. Also, you need to get out of the room by 11:30 sir.

Troy: ok, thanks man.

Troy handed the guy a 20.

Gabriella: waffles? With strawberries?

Troy: anything for my queen.

Dang it, he made me blush again.

Troy: made u blush

I laughed.

Troy: and I made you laugh!

Gabriella: okay, let's pack up Troy, we have to be outta here in one hour.

Troy: I'm already packed up.

I look over and me and troys suitcases, to see both of them neatly packed away.

Gabriella: Troy! When did you do that?

Troy: this morning, while you took a shower

Gabriella: of course you did. I love you wildcat.

Troy: I love you more.

I smiled. I love Troy.

In the car ———

Gabriella: that was the best trip I've ever taken

Troy: really?

Gabriella: yea

Troy: well, compliments of me!

Gabriella: 🙂troy, where are we?

Troy: somewhere in Cali...

Gabriella: where?

Troy: I don't know...

Gabriella: is it on the map?

Troy looked at the gps system and it said, "Arrived in Albuquerque New Mexico"

Troy: ummm...

Gabriella: I need to get back to work... so

Troy: ughh I know my stupid phone try yours

I needed to get home. I am a lawyer, and have a weird case right now, that starts on Monday.

Gabriella: my phone says we're in San Diego...

Troy: shoot.

Troy: gabby look!

We had driven on a path and then we saw...

Troy: Look at that sign!

The sign read, •Welcome to Arizona•

Gabriella: yes! We're so close!

Troy: we can probably get there by dinner.

Gabriella: hopefully


Troy: haha I was right

Troy teased me.

Troy: we're hommme!!!

I looked at the building in front of us. My mom bought back our old house from high school, and it wasn't around here.

Gabriella: ummm Troy? My house is that way.

Troy: not anymore!

Gabriella: what?

He pulled me out of the car, and into the building. He pressed the 3 button in the elevator and a front door that said 3_1 stood infront of us.

Troy: open it.

I slowly opened the door...

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