Overprotective ch.6

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At the store ———

Gabriella: grab some milk Troy!

Troy: okay!

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around.

Gabriella: Richard? What are you doing here!

Troy ran over.

Troy; leave.

Richard: no Gabriella, I just wanted to say

Troy: that you're leaving, ya do that please.

Richard: no Gabriella, please tell Ronnie I'm sorry

Gabriella: sorry isn't enough for the pain you put her through

Troy and I left.

Gabriella: ugh

Troy: what's his problem? Gabby you tell me if he bothers you again, and he's screwed.

Gabriella: thanks Troy

Troy smiled at me and we went home. When we got home, I went to my room and watched tv. Around 5:30, I heard Troy screaming.


I ran outside to see Troy with a pizza and a chef hat on.

Gabriella: wanna eat outside?

Troy: let's go!

Our outside area was really nice, it was a balcony with two tables, a small basketball court, and a bbq.

Gabriella: so how was cooking this?

Troy: really hard, apparently you have to remove the cardboard from under it before you put it in the oven, so yeah.

Gabriella: that's why it's burnt?

Troy: ummm yeahhh...

He made me laugh. But then I saw Richard walking, looking for something, probably our house, and he was carrying a knife and a bottle of tequila

Gabriella: what the hell...

Troy looked down and saw Richard.

Troy: get inside gab.

We went inside locked all the doors and windows and went into troys room.

Gabriella: good thing we moved... he knew where my old house was.

Troy: he just came up to the building

Gabriella: how would he even get our address?

Troy: that's not the problem now...

Knock knock knock. He was outside.

Gabriella: Troy where are you going?

He approached the front door.

Troy: just looking who it is. Making sure.

Troy turned back stunned.

Troy: he's there, with tequila a knife and a psycho look in his eye.

Gabriella: let's go to your bedroom again

Troy: no, we have to leave, let's go get your mom, and go to my parents house, NOW.

Gabriella: how will we...

Troy: fire exit.

Me and Troy climbed down the fire exit by our balcony and rushed to my moms house. We picked her up explaining what happened and then drove to troys house.

Mr. Bolton: Gabriella! Ms Montez! What brings you here?

Troy: Dad, we might stay here for a while...

Troyella: What about me? Where stories live. Discover now