Back again ch.7

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Mr Bolton: is he still there?

Troy: I'm checking in the morning. But for tonight I think we're good.

The next day ———
Gabriella; Troy don't go!

Troy: I have to.

Gabriella: well then I'm coming to!

Troy: no.

Gabriella: we will  disguise our selves cmon!

Troy; no. I can't let you get hurt.

He opened the door then turned around and kissed me.

Troy; I love you gabby.

Gabriella: I love you too.

He ran to his car. I went to his room and payed on the bed, not knowing, but I fell asleep.

2 hours later ———
Troy: wake up sleepyhead!

Gabriella: T.. tr.. Troy?

Troy: yea, let's go!

Gabriella: he's not there?

Troy: nope all gone. I even told the police, they said he wasn't even in New Mexico anymore, but on a chase with the police around Nebraska.

Gabriella: wtf?

Troy: I know, right, let's go home.

I suddenly got dizzy.

Gabriella: Troy...

I woke up in troys bed, at our place.

Troy: still tired?

Gabriella: how'd I get here?

Troy: I brought you.

Gabriella: ummm why am I so sleepy?

Troy: you're sick, you have a fever.

Gabriella: ohhh. Goodnight Troy see you tommo...

I was asleep again.

I felt troys arm around me and saw the TVs glare, with some mixed noises.

Troy: has the princess awoken?

I smiled.

Gabriella: I'm hungry, I'm gonna go make some lunch.

Troy: Nope! I'm making some for you. What do you want?

Gabriella: food?

Troy: coming up!

He ran out of the room. A basketball game was on the tv, but my vision was blurry so I couldn't make out who it was.

Troy: one macaroni and cheese?

Gabriella: here..

I sat up and Troy set the food on my lap and he sat next to me. He then stuck his finger in the bowl and took a piece.

Troy: yum.

Gabriella:hey that's mine Troy!

Troy: so? We're engaged we share everything.

I then fell asleep again in his arms.

Troy: I love you

Gabriella: I love you too Tro...

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