Apartment 3_1 ch.4

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I opened the door... and I saw an apartment.

Gabriella: Troy?

Troy: this is your new apartment!

Gabriella: whyyy is there two rooms then?

Troy: I mean it's whoever's room you want it tooo be I guess...

Gabriella: ok, let's give it to sharpay.

Troy: what?? Sharpay??

Me and sharpay have become good friends, but still...

Gabriella: * I laughed* or maybe kelsi...

Troy: ummm who bought you the apartment??

I love when troys mad. It's sooo cute.

Gabriella: or that Troy guy...

Troy: yeah, I think that's the best option. And my stuffs already in that room... ooops.

Gabriella: okay, what about my stuff?

Troy: it's all in your room, your mom brought it.

Gabriella: did you tell her about the propo...

Troy: she knew even before I did it, practically everyone knew before I did it.

Gabriella: oh.  Kay...

Troy: *laughs* wanna eat dinner?

Gabriella: yes, what though?

Someone knocked on our door.

Gabriella: I'll get it!

Sharpay: oh myyy goshing glitter! Let me see that ring!

She pulled my hand towards her.

Sharpay: it's pretty.. I'd prefer bigger though... okay! Brought you dinner!

Troy: thanks...

Sharpay: it's from my chef.. in New York.. he's great!

Gabriella: where's Payton?

Sharpay: ohh, he's probably at my house editing. I trying to make him come here, but it's way to hard, he's so stubborn, it's like like annoyingish. But 😍 I love him!

Troy: thanks Sharpay! This food is amazing! What are you doing tonight!

Sharpay: Troy omg your being soooo  sarcastic... it's so funny!!! But I'll be leaving now, I have to take boi on a walk and next week I have to audition for another broadway show, you guys should totally come!

Troy stood up.

Troy: sounds fun! Just text us.

He then locked the door, and said, "phew"

Gabriella: wanna watch a movie and eat our fancy New York food?

Troy: *chuckes* sure.

Gabriella: this is gonna be so fun

Troy; we can do this every single night! Minus the Sharpay.

Gabriella: *i laughed* okay wildcat

Troy: she even criticized your ring!

Gabriella: shhh! The movies starting.

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