Chapter 6: My birthday

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Chasity was grabbing my hand and practically forcing me to run, Ashton trying to catch up. She was taking us through this beautiful garden that led out to a scuffy old building. It was obviously in use though. As we got closer, I heard noises. We reached the other side and saw a big white sign on the old brick building reading "Collens Animal Hospital".

Omg, Puppies! Kitties and Cute animals!!! Only one thing...

Chasity looked at me with the biggest grin, Ever. She was practically squealing and Ashton jumped up and down like a 5 year old on sugar. I started smiling knowing why we were here.

"Take your pick! We're paying and don't worry on the amount. I want to make sure she or he is the one! It has to be eye-catching!" Chasity stated with enthusiasm. I nodded and started running into the building. I instantly saw puppies and kittens. Omg I was in love. Chasity knows I'm a dog person so instantly ran to the puppies. I looked around and saw all the cuties looking at us excitedly. They all had stories. Some showed their scars or battles while others looked perfect. You can still tell things happened though. I skimmed through and glanced back at the light black and white Shepherd with amazing blue/brown eyes. I like how the two eyes were a different color. The Shepherd had a scar on its leg. It looked like the scars on my arms kind of.

"This is an Australian Shepherd. She's beautiful isn't she?" A veterinarian spoke behind me, making me jump. I turned around to face her. She was tall and slim with that famous green coat you see in shows. She had short brown hair reaching to her shoulders with the bold cut. She had glasses and brown eyes and a scar on her forehead. She was pretty though. I nodded and grinned.

"Can I see her?" I asked eagerly.

The woman nodded and grinned. She picked up the beautiful baby girl and handed her to me. She wouldn't stop licking me and wagging her tail. She was absolutely stunning.

"She's taken a liking to you I see. Is she the one you want hun?" The woman, or Elesia from her name tag, Asked with curiosity. I nodded and couldn't keep my eyes off of the puppy. She definitely was eye-catching. Chasity and Ashton looked at me and hugged me. They both yelled happy birthday and squeezed me tight. I giggled and exaggerated the gasping noise indicating to let go. They did what I wanted and hopped up and down like little kids. I joined them.

After the lovely adoption of my new puppy. I decided to name her.

"Her name is Annaka. She looks like one and the name is unique. like us." I smiled as I said happily.

Chasity half smiled. "I like it."

"Me too. She needs a name that hasn't been used" Ashton agreed.

We went back to the car and Ashton took the wheel from me. I gave him a confused look.

"I'm dropping Chasity off and I'm taking you somewhere. Just me and you." Ashton explained. I nodded and Chasity did the same.

Ashton dropped my bff off and we took off. I had no idea where we were going but I love surprises so I was excited. This is an amazing start to an unforgettable birthday. Eventually we entered the next city. City? Where the hell is he taking me? China? I eagerly waited as we reached a beach. Omg. I'm getting so siked right now! Omg. A beach. Did he know I'm in love with beaches? Chasity probably said something. I dont have swimsuit on though. I Iooked at my All Time Low tank and jean shorts. I was also wearing flip flops. Oh well. I jumped out of the car and ran to the hot golden sand and sat down, digging my toes in the sand. Ashton walked up and sat next to me.

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