Chapter 14: Winning Battles

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I take a tight grip on the controller as I slash Michael's character onto the ground. Blood spews out and the screen flashes Game over on it. I jump up screaming yes and do a little dance as Michael throws the remote on the ground and grumbles.

"How do you beat me at COD? I'm a pro at that. No one ever beats me." Michael rants. I smile at Chasity then stick my tongue out at Michael. He mimicks me.

"I guess I'm the new pro. Might wanna step up your game next time." I respond back. I laugh and walk away to the kitchen, grabbing the last slice of cake.

"Oh no! You beat me at my own game. You WILL NOT take the last piece of cake!" Michael yells. I hear his feet drag into the kitchen and grab me. He pulls me away from the counter and stands in front me, blocking my reach of the cake. I use all of my force to push him out of the way, but a laugh escapes me and I become weaker. I hate him sometimes.

"Winner gets the prize. Look up your facts. Stop being a sore loser and give me my cake. It's my late birthday anyway!" I exclaim. Hopefully he will know who deserves this cake. I'm not standing down either. Michael laughs and shakes his head.

"Because you won, I should get the cake as a fair fight" He replies back, lamely, I might add. I walk around him but he keeps blocking me. He turns around and calls in Ashton. I know he'll pick my side immediately.

Ashton walks in and looks at the two of us and raises his eyebrows.

"What is going on here?" He asks, Chasity walking in.

"Woah, kinky" She says. I roll my eyes and she laughs. I realize why she said that when I look down. I'm pressed up against his back with my arms in front of him and his hands behind him. I cough and back up. Ashton looks at me, confused, then looks at Michael.

"She's trying to eat my slice of cake." Michael whines.

"I got here first and I won the game plus it's my birthday!" I fight back.

"Technically you're birthday was two days ago and you got here first because you were already standing up!" He exclaims. Damn he's annoying.

"Well ladies get first pick anyway. Since the '40s, Ladies' rights have been an amendment of the United States so if I want the last slice, dammit I will get it!" I state matter-of-factly.

"Ashton tell her it's only fair if loser gets cake. It won't make me feel so bad anyway." Michael tries to get Ashton's approval but Ashton's too busy cracking up at our little fight. Making the bold move, I grab the sprayer from the sink and spray Michael. He's caught off guard and moves away. I turn off the spicket and rush to the piece of cake. I take a bite before he stops me.

"I guess we're sharing Streek." Michael smirks.

I shake my head and snort. "I don't think so." I take another bite and dramatically moan in goodness of the cake in front of him. He rolls his eyes and takes my fork.

"Did you seriously just take my fork? Why couldn't you get your own?" I ask, annoyed.

"We're sharing. You can deal." He smirks, again, as he swipes his teeth across the fork, taking in the bite of cake. He passes the fork back to me. I shake my head.

"I'll get my own fork." I say.

"Ashton you're quiet. For once." I hear Michael mumble through the cake in his mouth.

"I don't want to interrupt your quality time with the cake." Ashton laughs some more.

I hear a whine and look to see Annaka at the kitchen entrance looking at me. She wags her tail and nearly topples over when she starts walking to me. I smile and pick her up.

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